Oh, dude, it's like Congress, man. They're the ones holding the purse strings and deciding where all that sweet, sweet cash goes. So, if you're looking to fund your next big project, you better start buttering up those lawmakers!
Well, darling, in the United States government, it's Congress that holds the purse strings and controls the appropriations of money. They're the ones who decide where all that cash is going to flow, so if you want to fund your pet project, you better cozy up to those lawmakers. Just remember, money talks, but Congress decides where it walks.
The Legislative Branch has the power to control the appropriations of money in the United States of America. This is in accordance with the checks and balance of government.
Committee on Appropriations
House Appropriations Committee
Proposed laws to authorize spending money are called appropriations bills.
Hal Rogers (R) is the chairman of the US House Appropriations Committee.
The legislative branch controls the appropriations of money, they are checking the executive branch(if you know about checks and balances)
Committee on Appropriations
Appropriations are a kind of act where money is set aside for specific use. Appropriations originated in the late 14th century.
the committee on appropriations
Congress controls the money. It makes all the appropriations, sets the tax rates and authorizes any borrowing. It controls the size of the military and sets all the salaries. It also passes any laws that get passed. Without the help of Congress, the President is quite limited.
legislation that allows the government to spend money. legislation that allows the government to spend money.
legislation that allows the government to spend money. legislation that allows the government to spend money.
Appropriations bills.
They are called appropriations bills.
Closed appropriations