heres three he was born in beket Ma
He lived to be 89 years old
He was born in 1760
The five facts about the world is Global warming Climate change Endangered animals Pollution Credit crunch Lauren 12
Answer: Joseph McCarthy Pace High School ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! :>) 12/14/09
I don't know where you got this information but he didn't try to commit suicide . He was a gifted student and at 15 was admitted to Morehouse college. This idea would have been completely against his training and family values/religious beliefs.
Mary Ball Washington, the mother of George Washington, was the only child of Joseph Ball and his second wife, Mary Johnson. Her father died when she was three, while her mother died when she was 12.
George Blaney was born on 1939-12-12.
The concept of socialism is one of the 12 facts on how Joseph Stalin ruled his country.
Preston B. Plumb died on 1891-12-20.
Preston B. Plumb was born on 1837-10-12.
Holmes Inspection - 2009 Plumb Unlucky 2-12 was released on: USA: 1 July 2010
Nip Tuck - 2003 Cindy Plumb 4-1 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12 Portugal:M/16
Joseph Leilua was born on 1991-12-12.
Joseph Beyrle died on 2004-12-12.
Martin Ferguson was born on 1953-12-12.
Joseph Warren Holmes died on 1912-12-12.
John Joseph Earley was born on 1881-12-12.
Joseph P. Johnson was born on 1931-12-12.
James Joseph Meadows died on 1914-12-12.