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Hail to the Chief

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Q: 1954 tribute song for the president?
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What are the release dates for The Spike Jones Show - 1954 Tribute to the Piano 1-12?

The Spike Jones Show - 1954 Tribute to the Piano 1-12 was released on: USA: 20 March 1954

Tenacious D Tribute?

Tribute is a song that was written by Tenacious D about the ''greatest song in the world'' that they apparently played when a beast told them he would eat their souls if they didn't. But Tribute is just a tribute to they greatest song in the world because as is mentioned in the song, they can't remember how the song went. The ''greatest song in the world'' though, is related to the song played in the movie in the faceoff against the devil at the end.

Why was the Lincoln memorial?

As a tribute to President Lincoln

What are the release dates for Disneyland - 1954 A Tribute to Joel Chandler Harris 2-17?

Disneyland - 1954 A Tribute to Joel Chandler Harris 2-17 was released on: USA: 18 January 1956

Which song is the first in this tribute video to the rev http youtube eb0Rv6UBEIA Jimmy The Rev Sullivan tribute video?

Avenged Seven fold was the first song in the tribute video to the rev http youtube eb0Rv6UBEIA Jimmy The Rev Sullivan tribute video.

What is an answer song?

An answer song is a variety of popular song, which responds to another either for satirical or tribute means.

Why was the Lincoln Memorial created?

As a tribute to President Lincoln

Why was Lincoln memorial created?

As a tribute to President Lincoln

What is the song that says this song is like the best song ever?

I think the song you mean is called 'Tribute' by Tenacious D'.

What is the name of the song for Jeff Hardy's tribute song during wrestlemania?

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What is the song played in the mellon arena tribute video?

The song is Life in Technicolor by Coldplay

What Elton John song did Barry Manilow sing at the Elton John tribute?

your song