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A majority of the House signs a discharge petition

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Clovis Abshire

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Q: A bill that is held up by a committee can be released if .?
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In what five ways can a standing committee treat a bill?

the committee can: 1) pass the bill 2) mark up a bill with charges and suggest the it be passed 3) replace the original bill with a new bill 4)ignore the bill and let it die( which is called "pigeonholing" the bill) 5)kill the bill outright by majority vote

How can the House Rules Committee kill a bill even after it has been recommended by a committee?

The House Rules Committee determines when bills will be heard by the floor. Accordingly, if the Committee is against a particular bill, said bill won't be put on the calendar. So, in essence, the bill stays there until it is put on the calendar- which may be never. Furthermore, the Rules Committee could also have "closed rule" on the bill, meaning it will go to the floor, but it cannot be amended. Due to varying opinions, if a bill can't be modified on the House floor, it will ultimately die there.

What does the speaker of the house do to a proposed bill?

The speaker of the house can announce a proposed bill to a committee made up of government officials. The bill can then be voted on to see if it should be passed.

What are the seven steps of how a bill becomes a law?

It is very important to know the steps for a bill to become a law. These are as follows; the bill is drafted, the bill is presented to the house, sent to committee, committee action, rules committee, Floor action, introduced to the Senate, Committee action, Bill called up, Floor action, conference committee, vote on compromise, presidential action, and the vote to override.

In the House of Representatives what is the next step in the legislative process immediately after the floor debate takes place?

Now, here comes the answer of the question, after the bill is presented and sponsored, it is referred to the appropriate committee action in order for them to debate on it and marks up the proposed bill.

Related questions

A bill that is held up by a committee can be released?

A majority of the House signs a discharge petition

What document must be signed by a majority of the house for the release of a bill that is held up by a standing committee?

A discharge petition

What is the process by which a committee revises a bill?

mark up

This committee is set up when the house and senate have passed different versions of the same bill?

Conference committee

When was Held Up released?

Held Up was released on 05/12/2000.

The determination of the time and structure of floor debate on a bill is up to the?

Rules Committee

What is the line-by-line revision of a bill in committee possibly editing each word or phrase in a document called?

Markup is a process through which a bill is rewritten or amended by a US congressional or state legislative committee. The bill is read to the committee, one section at a time for amendments or review.

In what five ways can a standing committee treat a bill?

the committee can: 1) pass the bill 2) mark up a bill with charges and suggest the it be passed 3) replace the original bill with a new bill 4)ignore the bill and let it die( which is called "pigeonholing" the bill) 5)kill the bill outright by majority vote

Where are revisions to bills made?

A legislative bill goes through an intensive process and is revised during the committee section. After the bill has been voted on by the full committee, they will hold a mark-up section in which the bill is revised and edited. If substantial amendments are made, the committee can order the introduction of a "clean bill" which will include the proposed amendments. This new bill will have a new number and will be sent to the floor while the old bill is discarded. The chamber must approve, change or reject all committee amendments before conducting a final passage vote.

How can the House Rules Committee kill a bill even after it has been recommended by a committee?

The House Rules Committee determines when bills will be heard by the floor. Accordingly, if the Committee is against a particular bill, said bill won't be put on the calendar. So, in essence, the bill stays there until it is put on the calendar- which may be never. Furthermore, the Rules Committee could also have "closed rule" on the bill, meaning it will go to the floor, but it cannot be amended. Due to varying opinions, if a bill can't be modified on the House floor, it will ultimately die there.

Meeting held for a special purpose?

A meeting held for a special purpose is a committee. It is usually organized by leaders to discuss problems and come up with solutions.

How a bill becomes a law in Indonesia?

1. Bill is Drafted: Members of Congress, the Executive Branch, and even outside groups can draft (write or draw up) bills.2. Introduced in House: Representative introduces the bill in the House. Only members can introduce bills.3. Sent to Committee: The Speaker of the House sends the bill to a committee.4. Committee Action: Most bills die here. The committee may pigeonhole, table, amend, or vote on the bill. If bill passes, it goes to Rules Committee.5, Rules Committee: It decides the rules for debate, and when the bill will come up for debate.6. Floor Action: House debates the bill, and may add amendments. If a majority votes in favor of the bill, it goes to the Senate.7. Introduced in Senate: A Senator introduces the bill, which is sent to a committee.8. Committee Action: Same procedure as in the House. If the committee majority votes for the bill, it goes to the whole Senate.9. Bill Called Up: Majority floor leader decides when the whole Senate will consider the bill.10. Floor Action: The Bill is debated, and amendments may be added. If a majority votes in favor of the bill, it is returned to the House.11. Conference Committee: If the House rejects any of the changes, the bill goes to a conference committee of members from both houses. It works out a compromise.12. Vote on Compromise: Both houses must approve changes made by the conference committee. If approved, the bill goes to the president.13. Presidential Action: The president may sign (approve) the bill or veto (reject) it. If approved, it becomes law.14. Vote to Override: If the president vetoes the bill, it can still become law if two thirds of both houses vote to override the veto.