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A Dictatorship government suppresses opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens. An example is when Libya was headed by Gaddafi who was a dictator.

You may also be looking for the specific word "totalitarian" since the ruler controls the totality of what goes on in the country.

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14y ago

This depends on whether it is one person in charge or multiple. If its one person in charge its a dictatorship. If its multiple people as a committee its an oligarchy. If its a small group of people who are religious heads as well, its typically a theocracy.

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Authoritarian or even one-party.

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I think that would be a dictatorship.

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A government controlled by one political group which supresses all opposition and control?

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What is a government controlled by one political group which suppresses all opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens called?

This type of government is called a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, power is concentrated in the hands of one leader or political group, who often maintain control through suppression of opposition and tight regulation over various aspects of society.

A government controlled by one politicial group which supresses all oppostion and controls many aspects of it citizens?

You are referring to a totalitarian government.

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