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A pocket veto is not a direct veto of a bill. Rather, it occurs when the president holds onto a bill, unsigned, until after Congress adjourns.

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Q: A pocket veto differs from a regular presidential veto in that the pocket veto?
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What is the difference in the effects between a pocket veto and a normal veto registered by the president?

With a "regular" veto, the president prevents it from becoming a law by withholding his signature and returning it to Congress; with a pocket veto he also withholds his signature, but does so when Congress has adjourned and has not designated a legal agent to receive veto or other messages (as at the end of a two-year congress). This is a pocket veto, and the bill dies after 10 days of being submitted to the president. A pocket veto applies only when the Congress is not in session.

What are two Presidential ways you can veto the law?

He can veto a bill and he can "pocket veto" one. A pocket veto is when he does nothing and it sits on his desk for 10 days. At that point it is a veto. This is handy because the law maybe popular but he doesn't want to veto it, so he does nothing either way. In the last several years a third way has been used and that is a signing statement. The President signs the bill into law, but then signs a statement that it shouldn't be enforced. Bush did this with about 800 laws. I don't know if Obama has done any signing statements. This really got going under Clinton who did several hundred in his 8 years.

The veto and pocket veto are two ways that the what can reject a bill?

The veto and the pocket veto are two ways that the _____ can reject a bill

Why might the President use a pocket veto?

what circumstances might the president use a pocket veto

Uses pocket veto?

The President is the one that can use a pocket veto. This type of veto happens if Congress adjourns within the 10-day period the President has to pass or veto the bill.

Related questions

What is a method exercised by the president after congress has adjourned to prevent a bill from becoming law?

You are probably thinking of the "pocket veto." Unlike the regular presidential veto, which can occur any time within ten days of legislation that congress passed, and can then potentially be overridden by congress, the pocket veto can only occur if the president fails to sign a bill after congress has adjourned and is thus unable to override that veto. Authority for the "pocket veto" comes from Article 1, section 7 of the Constitution, which says, "the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case, it shall not be law."

What are the types of vetos for governors?

The two types of veto that can be carried out by the president are the "Pocket Veto" and the "Regular Veto." The Pocket Veto is where the president is given a bill, but fails to sign it within the ten days of the adjournment of Congress. The Pocket Veto is less common. The Regular Veto is one in which the president returns the bill back to Congress, with a message explaining his problems, reasons for return, and recommendations for revision. From there Congress may or may not fix it depending on it's actual importance.

Are there any differences in the effects of the presidential and pocket veto?

Yes! A presidential veto is when a bill is proposed to the president who then vetos the bill. This will be sent back to Congress and may be overriden by a 2/3 majority. However A pocket veto is when the president ignores a proposed bill and Congress adjourns. In this case, the bill dies.

What are three types of vetoes that the president may use?

The President may use a regular veto, pocket veto, and line item veto.

What is the difference in the effects between a pocket veto and a normal veto registered by the president?

With a "regular" veto, the president prevents it from becoming a law by withholding his signature and returning it to Congress; with a pocket veto he also withholds his signature, but does so when Congress has adjourned and has not designated a legal agent to receive veto or other messages (as at the end of a two-year congress). This is a pocket veto, and the bill dies after 10 days of being submitted to the president. A pocket veto applies only when the Congress is not in session.

What is the advantage of a pocket veto over a regular veto for a president?

For the president the advantage would be that pocket vetoes cannot be overridden by congress. The pocket vetoed bill simply disappears until it is started again in another session of congress. A normal veto can be overridden but only about 4% have been.

What bill is dropped if congress adjourns?

The Pocket Veto The Pocket Veto

3 What four options does the President of the US have for handling a law?

Sign it, veto it, do a pocket veto.

What are two Presidential ways you can veto the law?

He can veto a bill and he can "pocket veto" one. A pocket veto is when he does nothing and it sits on his desk for 10 days. At that point it is a veto. This is handy because the law maybe popular but he doesn't want to veto it, so he does nothing either way. In the last several years a third way has been used and that is a signing statement. The President signs the bill into law, but then signs a statement that it shouldn't be enforced. Bush did this with about 800 laws. I don't know if Obama has done any signing statements. This really got going under Clinton who did several hundred in his 8 years.

How many does it take to override a presidential veto?

2/3 to override a presidential veto

If Congress adjourns during a period he president can kill the bill by doing nothing what is this known as?

This is a reference to a pocket veto. A pocket veto is a presidential veto, but of a particular type. There are two types of vetoes: a regular or return veto, when the president sends a bill, along with his objections, back to Congress (which can override by 2/3 vote of both houses). A pocket veto only comes in to play when Congress by its adjournment prevents return of the bill. Under these circumstances, if Congress is a) adjourned, and b) bill return is not possible (bill return is possible when Congress designates an agent to receive veto messages and other communications), and if the president withholds his signature, the bill dies instead of becoming law. That is the pocket veto. (If the president neither signs nor vetoes a bill when Congress is in session, the bill becomes law without his signature after 10 days.)

The veto and pocket veto are two ways that the what can reject a bill?

The veto and the pocket veto are two ways that the _____ can reject a bill