Split the Whigs and caused the entire cabinet except Webster to resign. (right from the packet, my friend)
closed primary
Political Partys, and or a democracy...
Each party have specific goals which can be found in writing on line or in their handout materials. These ideas or beliefs are called the Party Platform. One major goal of any party is to win elections.
* federation is a group of partys
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The federlists were a political party that vs. against the democratic republicans they were the first two political partys of the united states.
It's something to do with democracy...
* European alliances and wars. * Sectionalism. * Political Partys.
national league for democracy
guide the political issues of the party's candidate
Corporations/Labor Unions o.O
Social Democratic Party
Defining their policies in terms too extreme for the general electorate
secret ballot
The general statements of a political party's philosophy and calls is called the party platform. The planks, or individual issues, serve as a means of drawing particular demographics that agree with their platform to join and support the party.