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United States is poorly served by a Congress that is often beset by inaction and localism. Supporters of the Congress maintain that the institution is a superior deliberative and representative institution.

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Q: Aanalysts maintain that the US is poorly served by a congress that is often beset by inaction and localism why?
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What does it mean to maintain law and order in government?

The phrase of 'law and order' refers to the sanctity of the courts and legislatures to social stability. The maintaining or 'order' is the discipline and procedure of the courts and congress for example. 'Law' in turn can reference the police procedure of implementing and executing the will of the courts and legislatures.

What does the elastic clause do?

The Elastic Clause is in Article I of the US Constitution, and it states that any powers necessary to complete the powers listed above (the expressed powers of congress), but not necessarily mentioned there, are nonetheless granted to the Congress. For example: An express power is that Congress can maintain an army. A implied power (powers granted by the elastic clause) would be to recruit, train, and draft citizens into that army. It could also establish military bases to which civilian access was restricted. The elastic clause has been used throughout US history to add powers to the federal government. It allows the federal government to expand its powers.

What is an antonym for concede?


Define elastic clause?

The Elastic Clause is in Article I of the US Constitution, and it states that any powers necessary to complete the powers listed above (the expressed powers of congress), but not necessarily mentioned there, are nonetheless granted to the Congress. For example: An express power is that Congress can maintain an army. A implied power (powers granted by the elastic clause) would be to recruit, train, and draft citizens into that army. It could also establish military bases to which civilian access was restricted. The elastic clause has been used throughout US history to add powers to the federal government. It allows the federal government to expand its powers.

By the US Constitution who has the power to declare war?

It is a common mistake to think that the president of the US can declare war. This is incorrect.According to the U.S. Constitution, only Congress has the power to declare war on another sovereign nation.According to Article I , Section 8: "The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; To provide and maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress ...".However, the resolution in Congress must pass both the House and Senate, the President has the authority to either sign or veto the resolution. The ONLY times that a binding act of Congress does not cross the President's desk are: I) A Constitutional Amendment II) Articles of Impeachment, or a subsequent conviction or acquittal in the Senate. III) Confirmation of appointees. Historically the President has always asked Congress for an official declaration of war before Congress passes such a resolution, although this is not necessary.Other than the War of 1812 and the Spanish American War, Congress has overwhelmingly voted in the affirmative, therefore a Presidential veto would be toothless, even if he desired to do so.The US President does have the power to deploy troops to said location.The US Constitution says the Congress has the power to declare war

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What does to provide and maintain a navy mean?

It is the Constitutional language used to authorize Congress to establish, provide for, and maintain a Navy.

Why did the south want slavery in the west?

To try to maintain their voting power in Congress.

What is true of the congress under the articles of confederation-?

One thing that is true about the Congress under the Articles of Confederation is that the Congress was mandated to maintain an army and navy.

How did Andrew Jackson feel about congress?

Unlike previous presidents, he did not think of himself as a servant of Congress, but rather as a servant of the people, charged to maintain and further their best interests. He was not ignorant of the powers of Congress as set up in the Constitution and he made serious and often effective efforts to maintain good relations with Congressmen.

Why did the slave states need to be equal with the free states?

To maintain their voting power in Congress.

Why did the delegates at the Congress of Vienna alter the map of Europe?

In an effort to maintain a balance of power in Europe.

What is the presidential challenge?

To develop and maintain a productive relationship with Congress. This is a feat which is almost unheard of in US history.

Can the constitution raise an army and a navy?

No - the Constitution grants authority to Congress to establish and maintain armed forces.

Which was one of the purposes or goals of the Congress of Vienna?

They operated on the principle of legitimacy and made an effort to maintain a balance of power.

Did John Quincy Adams create the navy?

No - the Continental Congress established the Navy during the Revolutionary War, then later after the U.S. Constitution was ratified, the U.S. Congress continued to build the Navy. Under the Constitution, on Congress has the authority to provide for and maintain the Navy.

Did Congress vote to make Puerto Rico the 51st state?

No. The US Congress voted to permit the people of Puerto Rico to vote on whether they wanted to become a state, become an independent nation, or maintain their current status. The choice to maintain current status won in the several plebecites that have been held.