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Monarch i believe

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Q: Absolute ruler who used his or her power to bring about political and social change?
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What were the goals of englighgened despots?

The goals of enlightened despots was to bring political and social change.

What political efficacy?

The belief that political involvement can bring about change

What kind of actions can bring about social change?

There are various actions that can bring about social change. For example, in the USA, civil disobedience has been effective in bringing about social change.

What does political efficacy means?

The belief that political involvement can bring about change

What changes did Wold War 1 bring in political and social?

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Use non violence in a sentence?

Gandhi believed in the power of nonviolence as a means to bring about social and political change.

Is violence a sound strategy to bring about significant political social change?

Yes it can. Violence tells political leaders that the people are not pleased, so they will try to reform. It's whats happening in Syria, and it happened in Libya and Egypt

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The Revolutionary Democratic Group was created in 1973 in Ethiopia. It was a leftist political party that aimed to bring about social and political change through revolutionary means.

What is necessary for discovery to bring about the MOST extensive social change?

It is necessary for a discovery to be well publicized within society. This will allow that discovery to bring about the most extensive social change.

What social change did Mao Zedong bring?

spread of communism

What does Asagai ask Beneatha to do?

Asagai asks Beneatha to marry him and return with him to Nigeria to help bring about social and political change in their homeland. He wants her to be his partner in creating a better future for their people.

Is non violence an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'nonviolence' is an abstract noun; a word for the use of peaceful means, not force, to bring about political or social change; a word for a concept.