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James Hudson Taylor and Robert Morrison

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Q: After the Opium Wars between China and Great Britaintreaties were signed and trade opened up again between China and the western world this also opened the door for missonary work. name two missionary?
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Name 2 other western concepts that imperialism spread around the world?

the doggie position and the missionary position

Can you get pregnant missionary style?

AnswerAt least in Western society, this is the most common position for sexual intercourse and thus the most common way to get pregnant.

What place is there if any for missionary practices in a religiously plural world?

AnswerThere is always a place for those who feel called to do missionary work, but the paradigm has changed. Formerly, missionaries went out from Western countries to convert the heathens to Christianity. Now, the same Western countries are no longer very strongly Christian, and the missionaries are just as likely to be Buddhists looking for converts among the Christians of Europe.

What did European ocean trade routes have?

European ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheres

What effect did European ocean trade routes have?

European ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheresEuropean ocean trade routes have a lasting contact between the Eastern and Western hemispheres

What body of water is between western Australia and Timor?

The Timor Sea is between Western Australia and Timor.

What treaty opened up japan for missionary activity?

Treaty of Peace and Amity, signed at the Convetion of Kanagawa in 1854, opened Japan to the Western World.

Contrast the idealism and chauvinism of the missionary efforts in the Western Hemisphere?

Go to page 34 and read the title "North American Conquistadores and missionaries" In the book Liberty, Equality, Power. You will find the answer there.

What issues affect the western territories between 1775 and1787?

the issues that affected the western territories between 1775 and 1787 is that the western land owed debt to the national government

The cold war was the cooling of relations between the soviet union and western what?

The Cold War was between the Soviet Union and Western democracies.

What was the difference between the eastern and western empire?

The differences between the Eastern Empire and Western Empire is their languages and foods they eat. The Western Empire spoke Italian. A Eastern spoke Greek.

What is the basic difference between western and eastern institutions?

the basic difference between eastern and western institutions , is that eastern institutions worship the group while western institutions worship the individual