For the House of Representatives, you have to be 25 years old, lived in the US for 7 years, and live in the state he/she represents. For the Senate, you have to be 30 years old, live in the US for 9 years, and live the state the he/she represents.
There is no upper age limit.
Per the U. S. Constitution, Article I Section 2, Clause 2: No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.
The minimum age to run for the Virginia House of Delegates is 21 years of age at the time of election. There are 100 members that are elected lasting for two terms.
Blagojevich was a Republican before becoming a Democrat when he decided to run for Congress.
she accomlished being the first lady to run in congress and actually succeed at it.
You can run for congress at age twenty-five.
be over 35 years of age
There is no maximum age set to serve in Congress.
congress got screwed in the long run
By Congress
Yes, in a way. Congress makes the laws and essentially tells the president how to run the nation. The president is the CEO- his job is to carry out the will of Congress, although he can exert influence on Congress to get them to do what he wants.
There is no upper age limit.
'cause then seven year olds would likely be in congress