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Per the U. S. Constitution, Article I Section 2, Clause 2:

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

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You must be a citizen for 7 years to run for the House and for 9 years to run for the Senate

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7 years for congress and 9 for senate

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Q: How many years must a person be a citizen to run for congress?
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A representatives must be a citizen for how many years?

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution requires:No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

In the years after reconstruction many members of congress believed that the president should?

confine himself to enforcing laws passed by congress

How many years do you have to have lived in US to be US President?

You have to have been born in the United States to run for President, and be at least 35 years old. Actually, you can be a US citizen and still not have lived in the United States. You have to be an American citizen by birth, (meaning your parents CAN live somewhere else but if they are US citizens you are a US citizen), 35 years old, and lived in the US for 14 consecutive years. .

A person must be a US citizen by birth to hold the office of?

A person must be a US citizen, by birth, to hold the office of president. President Barack Hussein Obama has avoided many questions about his place of birth.

Do you have to be a US citizen to be a senator?

No, not at all. Many former US Presidents never served as members of the US Congress. Some were military generals, and state governors. Examples include Bill Clinton (Governor of Arkansas), Ronald Reagan (Governor of California). Section 1 of Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution states that a President must: * be a natural born citizen of the united States * be at least 35 years old * have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years

Related questions

How many years do you have to be an American citizen to run for president?

9 years

How many years does the president have to be a citizen of the US for?

No less than 14 years.

How many years do you have to be an american citizen to be a senator?

9 yrs

Where would you find how many years you need to be a citizen to be a senator?

In the constitution!!

Would Scotland Yard help a US citizen to find a person in UK?

If the person had unaccountably disappeared and the US citizen concerned was worried for their health or safety, then naturally they would investigate, as would any police force in any country. If, however, it was just that the person wanted to get in touch with an old friend or colleague that they hadn't seen of many years and wanted to see again, then this wouldn't be a police matter, and the person would have to try and find their old friend via other means.

How many years is a term in office for a member in Congress?

A member of the House of Representitives holds a term of 2 years. While the term of a US Senator is 6 years.

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10 years

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How many questions do you have to get right to become an Australian citizen?

i am an australian citizen and overall i had to answer 200 questions

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How many nationalites can one person have?

It depends on the countries they want to be a citizen of; whether they allow multiple citizenship or not. For example, one can have British, Canadian, America, Australian and Italian citizenship at the same time because all allow multiple citizenship. But, if the same person wants to become a German citizen, they must give up all five before doing so.