

Are all africans poor

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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there all black dogss they are all poor especially saiid

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Q: Are all africans poor
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Who went to the pan african conference of 1900?

Africans and people of the African diaspora

How did Elizabethan poor laws shape social welfare policy in the US?

the elizabethan poor laws was amango of laws established to shep the welfare this laws was looking to the categolies of the poor how they lived and how goverment can helping them such category are able bodies poor this are physical feet but they dont want to work so govarment forced them to work when they resist send them to jail 2: important poor this was based to all widos and childern who havents any support of helping them 3.dependent poor this is about all disability people was helped in order to obtain services or basic needs of the people

How did the plantation system and the lack of indentured servants affect the status of Africans in America?

The plantations system and the lack of indentured servants in America affected the status of Africans in America because Africans where slaves and the would work eternally unlike indentured servants who only worked temporarily.

Why the British were poor?

Many people were poor in England, 1558 because the Catholic Church kept all of the money, so that had an effect on England being poor. People were poor because there weren't many jobs that needed doing, and if there weren't any jobs, then they weren't worth any money or just a shilling.

How did the plantation system and the lack of indentured servants affect the status of Africans American?

They worked the enslaved Africans harder on the fields. The southern economy came to depend on slavery.

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What do poor Africans get to play with?

Poor africans play hand games such as "tag, hide and seek," also they study with books... i hope this helped.

What eats bugsinsects?

Many africans and poor people who have to deal with famine

Are all Africans dirty?

No that would be a generalization and they are never accurate. Some people of all racial groups have poor hygiene. Whoever you heard it from is either a racist or ignorant.

Dose africans go bare foot to places?

Yes as Africa is known for poor people to go bare foot. they don't have any footwear at all

Why are africans fat?

Your question is based on a false statement. Not all Africans are fat.

If the Africans that go to school how do they travel to get to school?

In Africa many people are poor so they usually walk for miles.

Why did whites beat africans?

that's not all they did.

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What role did European imperialism play in the lives of Africans?

The role that European imperialism played was a horrible role. The poor Africans had to suffer through many things. They worked hard labor, and they got nothing out of it.

Why were African-Americans poor between 1945-70?

Do you mean black Americans, Africans who became Americans, or Americans who became African?

Why do africans choose to live where they live?

They don't choose where to live because it is a poor nation with a lot of famine going on. And civil wars

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about africans