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US Code > TITLE 23 > CHAPTER 1 > § 101

Federal-aid highway- The term "Federal-aid highway" means a highway eligible for assistance under this chapter other than a highway classified as a local road or rural minor collector.

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Q: Are all roads federal aid highways?
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What percentage of the US has paved roads and highways?

Around 2.7 million miles of roads in the US are paved, which accounts for about 64% of all public roadways. This includes major highways, freeways, urban streets, and rural roads.

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Under the termination policy native Americans lost?

Rights to tribal self-rule, federal aid for education, and federal aid for healthcare.

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Federal aid to education

Big roads for fast moving traffic are called?

Here in the states they are called, highways.

What did native Americans lose under the termination policy?

all the above- apex rights to tribal self-rule, federal aid for education, and federal aid for health care

What runs in and out of town all day and night?

The likely answer is "roads" (streets, highways) -- they run into town and out of town. In some cities, the correct answer is "pizza delivery vehicles."

What percent of roads in Africa are paved?

According to the World Bank, 81.62% of all roads in China are paved.According to the most recent (2005) data available, 82.5% of the roads and highways in China are paved. See Sources and related links for more information.

What is the difference between state highway and national highway?

State highways are maintained and managed by state governments, while national highways are maintained and managed by the central government. National highways typically connect major cities and serve as part of the national transportation network, whereas state highways connect cities and towns within a specific state.

What application is used to apply for all need-based federal aid programs and some state aid programs?

The application is called the FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid. You need to complete the form and submit it by the middle of February of the school year you need aid for. For instance, for federal student loans for August 2011, you would have submitted the FAFSA by February 2011.

How do I apply for federal student aid?

Do I Qualify for Federal Student Aid while living at home? I don't personally know the answer but you can contact your local college rep. Just make sure you ask for all the information needed.