Not only are they not related, but they say their last name differently. The former mayor of New York, Ed Koch, says it to rhyme with "watch." Charles Koch, of the Koch brothers, pronounces his name to rhyme with "stroke."
Ed Koch was the 105th Mayor of New York City, serving for 3 terms from 1978 to 1989. He had previously served in the U. S. House of Representatives.
Billy Sunday's brother's name was Ed.
Lawrence Washington... he was, the uncle of our country.
she never had any kids but she had two liitle brothers. <charles and joesph>
Washington had two older half-brothers: Lawrence and Augustine, Jr. "Austin" and four younger siblings: Samuel, Betty, Charles, and John Augustine "Jack".
Ed Koch's birth name is Koch, Edward Irving.
Ed Koch died on February 1, 2013.
Ed Koch was born on December 12, 1924.
Ed Koch was born on December 12, 1924.
The cast of Koch - 2012 includes: Michael Bloomberg as himself Ed Koch as himself Carl McCall as himself Christine Quinn as herself Charles Rangel as himself
Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge was created in 1909.
David says he supports it. Charles remains silent.
No, the Koch brothers are oil moguls.
Charles G. Koch was born on 1935-11-01.
Charles Koch has a net worth of about 51.5 billion as of May 2014.
The brothers are Jews! That is a fact.