...determine the legal extent that government can involve itself in issues relating to religion.
Yes they can. In l989 they passed a a secret referendum to give themselves an annual pay raise whether they voted on it or not, it is automatic.
In the beginning the Articles of Confederation were the law of the land. But the government could not fund itself so the Constitution was drafted a number of years later. Also Mexico, France, and Britain all had stake and control of one part of the United States at some point.
The possibility for counter revolution, assassination and war exists and the abuse of power by new governments to protect itself has seen a wealth of injustice appear throughout history. Concentration camps, gulags, mass exile and genocide have all to often resulted.
What is the principle of the constitution in which people hace the supreme political power in government; also the practice of allowing each territory to decide for itself whether or not allowing slavery
He based his morality upon whether the ruling party ruled for the benefit of the people (good) or for the benefit of only the ruling party (bad).
Kant and Aristotle are very similar. They both believe that the mind can know objective knowledge. For Aristotle the mind can come to know a real world existing outside of itself. For Kant the world we objectively know is made up of our sense data and therefore the knowledge is limited to our senses. We can know the world presented to us, not the world "in itself". Aristotle believes we can have knowledge of this world, Kant agrees that the mind does know this but that it does not relate to the thing in itself outside what we sense.
The definition is: The benefit of the doubt is to be given to the document itself, not assigned by the critics to himself.
There are four main elements or factors which are determinative of the morality of action. They are, as called by traditional moral philosophy, the intention, the nature and object of the act itself, the circumstances, and the foreseeable consequences.
It didn't originate by itself, I can tell you that. In other words, it didn't create itself by "spontaneous generation" (Aristotle has been proved wrong). People had to make it.
Assume that a government needs to spend money - for defence, or education, or health or even just to keep itself in business. Governments have no money of their own so must get it from the country - whether households or firms or both. This is taxation.
Unmoved mover. The unmoved mover in Aristotle's philosophy is the ultimate cause of all motion and change in the universe, while itself remaining unchanged and unaffected.
Aristotle viewed space as the void between objects rather than an entity in itself. He believed that space is defined by the bodies that occupy it, and it does not have its own separate existence.
Aristotle looked up to his teacher Plato, who in turn admired Socrates for his philosophical ideas and teachings. Socrates had a profound influence on both Plato and Aristotle, shaping their own philosophical principles and methodologies.
The answer depends onwhether you want to measure the can itself, or its contents;whether you wish to measure its mass or volume (or something else).The answer depends on whether you want to measure the can itself, or its contents;whether you wish to measure its mass or volume (or something else).The answer depends on whether you want to measure the can itself, or its contents;whether you wish to measure its mass or volume (or something else).The answer depends on whether you want to measure the can itself, or its contents;whether you wish to measure its mass or volume (or something else).
The key holding of the Court was that, even if segregated black and white schools were of equal quality in facilities and teachers, segregation by itself was harmful to black students and unconstitutional. This aspect was vital because the question was not whether the schools were "equal", but whether the doctrine of separate was constitutional