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Article VI of the US Constitition simply says that any debts owed before the Constitition was ratified, are valid under the Constitution.

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Q: Article 6 says that this government is more important than states?
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What did the Articles of Confederation do?

Article of Confederation is a written document that states the functions of the national government of the United States. This was after it declared independence from Great Britain.

Which article of the constitution discusses relationships between the states?

Article IV of the Constitution discusses this. The article describes the states powers and limits. Also, states are required to acknowledge the legitimacy of the other states' governments. States are granted equal rights under this article. Article IV puts forth the concept of extradition, which means if you commit a crime in one state, that is the only state you can be tried for that crime in. Lastly, this article grants republican governments to all the states, or governments based on elected representation.

What is in the U.S. Constitution?

The Constitution states the establishment of the government and the rules for that government. See the link below for the complete US Constitution.

What did the states with small population want?

The states with small population wanted the same amount of representatives in the government. The states with larger population wanted to have more say in the government because they had more people. So they compromised and Then there were 2 houses of government.

States that wanted a more democratic form of government with greater representation for the common people favored?

The United States wanted a more democratic form of government with greater representation for the common people and favored a strong government. That is why our government is structured the way it is.

Related questions

Is the government important to America's future?

Yes. Without a government, the United States would not be anything more than an anarchy.

What did John C Calhoun believe was more important than the powers of the Federal Government?

States' Rights

What was Hamilton's point of view?

Alexander Hamilton was our first Secretary of the Treasury, and he was the one that set up the structure and function of that portion of our government such as the cabinet and the Mint, which are still both essential in government.

What did the Articles of Confederation do?

Article of Confederation is a written document that states the functions of the national government of the United States. This was after it declared independence from Great Britain.

Which article in the constitution states that more than the members must be present to conduct business?

article I

Which article of the constitution discusses relationships between the states?

Article IV of the Constitution discusses this. The article describes the states powers and limits. Also, states are required to acknowledge the legitimacy of the other states' governments. States are granted equal rights under this article. Article IV puts forth the concept of extradition, which means if you commit a crime in one state, that is the only state you can be tried for that crime in. Lastly, this article grants republican governments to all the states, or governments based on elected representation.

What is in the U.S. Constitution?

The Constitution states the establishment of the government and the rules for that government. See the link below for the complete US Constitution.

Why were states given more power than the federal government?

Then the states would have more power than the national government.

Why does the 1st Article of the US Constitution deal with Congress rather than the Presidency?

I'm guessing it is because the Congress was considered the more important of the three branches of the Federal Government.

What argued that because states created the national government the national government's power should be secondary to states' power?

who said they need more power, for the States? And they felt that they should have more Power was the government

Why is the federal government more powerful than the provininces?

For the same reason the US Federal government is more powerful than the states. The provinces and states are subservient to National government.

Why do you think the writers of the constitution believed one branch of government was more important?

The writers of the Constitution of the United States made the branch of government they considered the most important in the first article. Likewise the second most important is in the second article and the third most important is in the third article. In the years before the revolutionary war, many people had been convicted and killed by secret trials. They know courts were necessary but must be controlled and could not be totally in charge. Also before the Revolutionary War, local governors had been able to wreck havoc on local populations. The framers feared unbridled powers in one person. Only their local assemblies with the power of the purse had been able to provide a check on the local terror.