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Q: At first what did president hoover rely on to relieve the depression?
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What was At first what did President Hoover rely on to relieve the depression?

volunteerism and localism

How did Hoover deal with the depression at first?

President hoover created the square deal

What did president hoover first rely on to relieve the depression?

volunteerism and localism

Which president was the first to deal with the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover was the president during the great wall street crashes which are generally considered to be the beginning of the great depression, so he was the first president to have to deal with it.

The Great Depression who was the president when it started who was elected president in the first national election?

Herbert hoover then Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Which statement is trueHerbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt were presidents during the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt were presidents during the Great Depression.

What is president Hoover's name?

President Herbert Hoover His full name is, Herbert Clark Hoover

Who was the first president to have a telepohone on his desk?

president Hoover

What is one step that president hoover took even before the greate depression to help the nation struggling farmers?

One of the first things President Hoover did to combat the effects of The Great Depression was to try to get the Federal Reserve Act repealed. The Federal Reserve Act set limits on how much money the Reserve could release into the economy.

Who was first as president Herbert Hoover or Franklin Roosevelt?

Hoover was president immediately before Franklin Roosevelt.

Who won the presidential election of 1928 and was president during the first years of the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover won the 1928 presidential election defeating Alfred Smith.

Who was the first president to have an asteroid named after him?

The first president to have an asteroid named after him was George Washington. The asteroid "318" was named after him in 1890.