Noon in one place is not noon in another place. Local Noon is when the sun is at it's highest point for where ever you are. As you move around then Noon will be slightly different everywhere you are, the planet, it round and very big.
So if it's Noon in Washington it will be around 9am in San Francisco. This didn't really matter when the fastest you could travel was on horse back. You just set your clocks to local noon (by the sun) and since people moved slowly and messages beyond line of sight moved at the speed of the fastest horse then everybody was ok just setting their watches to local noon each day of their journey. (Those that had watches!)
Railways changed this. Rail travel is fast. Rail travel also depends on timetabling. If Noon at station A is not Noon at station B (which it won't be, see above) then train timetabling becomes hard and people become confused. So it was decided to split the world into time zones, each would be a region where all the clocks would be set the same - although their local noons would strictly be slightly out. "Noon GMT" is noon at the Greenwich Observatory in London. All other time zones are expressed as + or - a number of hours from GMT, the whole of the UK is on GMT.
In smaller countries this was fine, but the US is large! So it split by state into four timezones to avoid moving the "declared" time too far away from local time.
Railways were only the first to deal with this, faster shipping, telephones, radio, all means that you need to have agreed times.
The railway was an easy way to transport war goods to certain areas when needed. The railroad would transfer troops,weapon and food to a location that needed protection when the North would attack.
Because all the people wanted to go over to the west, so they needed a better way then on wagon, and feet to get there.
Georgia had nearly 1,400 thousands miles of railroad, best in The South. This system, with Atlanta as it's hub, was vital in supplying and transporting Confederate troops. Georgia's strategic location, it's railroad network, and it's ability to supply southern armies with sorely needed feed and equipment made it "The Heart of the Confederacy". -J.T.M
because she needed the money
A country needs a constitution as a basis for legislation because without one, politicians can take a country completely away from its initial objectives into the product of the greed of a few corrupted individuals.
The Transcontinental railroad was needed because the mining industry created a need for faster transportation-- stage coach lines and wagons were not moving fast enough.
The Transcontinental railroad was needed because the mining industry created a need for faster transportation-- stage coach lines and wagons were not moving fast enough.
The Transcontinental railroad was needed because the mining industry created a need for faster transportation-- stage coach lines and wagons were not moving fast enough.
The railroad needed builders, and those builders lived in new towns along the railroad. Settlers moved with the railroad because they could get lots of land and still have access to manufactured goods from the East because the railroad allowed for the transportation of those goods.
they went north because slavery was not needed because there was not a lot of land and the growing season was shorter.
they were chinese,mexicans, and americans who needed money
The railway was an easy way to transport war goods to certain areas when needed. The railroad would transfer troops,weapon and food to a location that needed protection when the North would attack.
the refrigerated railroad car was invented because the food needed to be cold on trips on the rail road.
In the 1800's, railroad companies raised the money they needed by selling government land grants.
Yes, the north had more railroad tracks then the South. This is because the North needed the railroads to connect the cities with the other cities and small towns. The North also needed more railroad tracks because the North was in charge of transporting goods that the South grew. Since the North had more railroads then the South, the North had an advantage when the Civil war came along because they could transport troops guicker.