This is an essay you need to do. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you paid attention to the lesson. We can give you suggestions and support, but not do it for you.
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speed chickin
The spoils system evolved as way to get the most money from government projects. Those who won the contracts felt as if they deserved the "spoils".
The Conseravative and Unionist Party
The U.S emerged and evolved as a world power from 1900 to present because it acquired massive resources and materials during wartime production, technological superiority during the war, and of course the development of the Atomic Bomb. Also, the country built up its military strength and became a world power.
someone once farted on a steering wheel and they accedinatly pooped on it so that's how the automobile has evolved
It was the invention and development of the internal combustion engine, fuelled by petrol or diesel.
Well, I have a Torchic, and it evolved into Combusken at level 16. By the time you battle May on the low road beneath the bicycle path just outside of Mauville, it should have evolved already.
going green, making different models, and having different types (steam, oil, electric, etc.)
Tally 9 no name fron printing
Road and highway builders organized an association in 1902 that represented them as an industry. It evolved from a bicycle group founded 22 years earlier called the League of American Wheelmen
Nobody invented it. Adjectives are just what we call the words we use to describe things. They evolved naturally along with our language.
The four rings stand for the amalgamation of four Automobile manufacturers, founded in 1932 and established in 1936 in Saxony, during the Great Depression. The company has evolved into present day as a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group.
Ash's Pokémon that evolved are his Caterpie which evolved into Metapod and then into Butterfree, Charmander who evolved into Charmeleon and then into Charizard, Krabby which evolved into Kingler, Pidgeotto which evolved into Pidgeot, Chikorita which evolved into Bayleef, Treecko evolved into Grovyle and then into Sceptile, Taillow which evolved into Swellow, Snorunt which evolved into Glalie, Phanpy evolved into Donphan, Starly which evolved into Staravia and then into Staraptor, Gligar evolved into Gliscor, Turtwig evolved into Grotle and Chimchar evolved into Monferno. and infernape
they evolved from the acoustic guitar which evolved from the lute which evolved from the harp i believe.
It evolved.
it evolved them