The way the navy was treated was poor so they escaped the British navy to join the Americans but the British know this so the stopped ships to take back the escaped soldiers but took American sailors to.They wanted to disable American navel power and to gain new sailors for their many ships.
The British navy used impressment as a method to forcibly recruit sailors into their service during the 18th and early 19th centuries. They would often press gang sailors from merchant ships or coastal towns, claiming them as British subjects or deserters. Impressment was a contentious practice that led to tensions between Britain and other nations, particularly the United States.
They were angry about impressment. British people loved to work for Americans because Americans gave them more money. British soldiers weren't to happy about that, though. So, the soldiers boarded American ships to look for the British sailors. But, sometimes they caught American sailors instead. So, the War Hawks declared war.
They technically didn't attack the ships. What they did was impress the American sailors into the British Navy. This means that they captured American sailors and forced them to join the British Navy and fight the French (Napoleon).
Americans were angered by the British practice of impressment which American sailors were forced into the British navy.
Impressment is forcing American sailors into joining the British Navy.
Impressment is forcing American sailors into joining the British Navy.
Press or press-gang.
They stopped American vessels and forced the American sailors to work on their ships.
Conditions in the Royal Navy were awful, which lead some sailors to desert the British navy and join the American navy. Many American sailors were taken hostage by the British.
It's where sailors on American ships who were suspected of being British nationals trying to avoid service in the British navy were taken prisoner and pressed into service on British ships
Impressment is the term used to denote the forcing of American sailors into the British navy/
Conditions on American ships were far superior to that of British ships.
Chesapeake Affair
The way the navy was treated was poor so they escaped the British navy to join the Americans but the British know this so the stopped ships to take back the escaped soldiers but took American sailors to.They wanted to disable American navel power and to gain new sailors for their many ships.