As stated in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, the principal qualifications for one being a presidential candidate is being a natural born citizen of the United States, being at least 35 years old, and having been a permanent resident in the United States for at least 14 years. That being said, regardless of whether one or both parents are foreign born, as long as the candidate was born in the United States, and I assume U.S. territories, one is eligible to be a President of the United States of America.
I think that both Congress and the president should have power in conducting foreign affairs. Some powers are not listed in the Constitution but both the president and Congress should have some exclusive foreign policy powers.
Federal government
If the President can not complete his term, the vice-president becomes President. If the vice-president can not complete his term, the president nominates a new vice-president who must be confirmed by both houses of Congress in order to take office. If two were both suddenly killed, the Speaker of the House would become President.
The president has veto power over bills passed by Congress. The Senate has the power to confirm or reject nominations that the President makes for ambassadors, cabinet member and federal judges. The Senate has to ratify any treaties the President makes by a 2/3 vote before they can take effect. The president can send troops to some foreign country and essentially make war, but only Congress can declare war and appropriate the funding for military action.
Military leadership and dealing with foreign nations require quick and decisive action, especially in an emergency. Both conditions are more likely when control is held by one person and not a large group of legislators with varying opinions. The president also has access to relevant secret information through executive agencies like the CIA and NSC that is not widely available to Congress
The US Constitution divides the foreign policy powers between the President and Congress so both share in foreign policy.
I think that both Congress and the president should have power in conducting foreign affairs. Some powers are not listed in the Constitution but both the president and Congress should have some exclusive foreign policy powers.
Both of his parents were born in Ireland, but he was born in this country.
The Department of State is the President's right arm in both formulation and execution of United States foreign policy.
I think that both Congress and the president should have power in conducting foreign affairs. Some powers are not listed in the Constitution but both the president and Congress should have some exclusive foreign policy powers.
The President of the United States has more influence over foreign policy than over domestic policy. Go on to explain both and then focus on foreign policy.
His secretary of state, Thomas Jefferson and his vice-president John Adams both had extensive diplomatic experience.
Both Clintons, Bill and Hillary, have US nationality.
Rely less on foreign oil. NovaNET! mickey~
Norway does not allow its citizens to hold dual citizenship. Meaning, a foreign citizen who wants to become a Norwegian citizen, must renounce their previous nationality if they can. Likewise, Norwegian citizens who wish to become citizens of another country, must renounce their Norwegian citizenship.The only cases that Norway would allow dual citizenship would be:A foreigner who wants to become a Norwegian citizen but cannot renounce their previous nationality for certain reasons (e.g. their country does not allow them or they should go through hardships of taxes or military service to give up their nationality)A child born to a Norwegian and a foreign parent would be allowed to hold dual citizenship of both unless the other nationality prevents the child from doing so.