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Yes- all the impeachment trial can do is to remove someone from office. He is still subject to criminal prosecution following the usual procedures.

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Q: Can someone who has been impeached and convicted be tried again in a regular court of law?
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Can a former president be impeached?

Any president can be impeached if the circumstances warrant it. However, only the US House of Representatives can impeach a US President. [Article I, section 2, paragraph 5, clause 2] Once a President has been impeached (accused), then the Senate would try that President. If and only if two thirds of the Senators voted guilty would that President be removed from office. [Article I, section 3, paragraph 6] For more, please feel free to view a transcript of the Constitution of the United States of America. Click on the link to the website of the National Archives under Related Links. But it should be noted that President Obama has a very high satisfaction rate among US citizens and has been elected to the presidency for a second term; thus, it is doubtful that he would be impeached, even if his political opponents wish it would happen.

Who is the only president to have gone through the entire impeachment process?

Andrew Johnson our 17th President also went though impeachment process but got cleared by one vote of the Senate. This happened twice, with Andrew Johnson and again with Bill Clinton. In both cases the Senate failed to convict, so the presidents remained in office until their terms expired.

What year was the 25th amendment ratified?

It has been used 3 times , Reagan , John F Kennedy , and Reagan again

What was one result of McCarthy's accusations?

One of the worst results of McCarthy's accusations was the blacklisting of many entertainers and other people who would not testify and/or turn in their friends and neighbors as being Communists. Another was to intensify the fear of Communists among Americans.

Who has more power House of Representatives or the Senate?

Neither really has "more" power. They have differentpowers. Neither of them can really "overrule" the other, because generally they have to agree for anything to happen. For example, only the House can impeach an elected official, but only the Senate can convict someone who has been impeached. The House and Senate must agree in order to remove someone from office; if the House impeaches them but the Senate doesn't convict them, then nothing happens, and if the House doesn't impeach them in the first place then the Senate can't convict them so again nothing happens.There are certain things that are reserved to either the House or Senate, but again, it's not really a question of "more power".That said: Senators serve (normally) for six years, while Representatives serve for only two. There are far fewer Senators than Representatives, so each Senator's vote has more "weight" than each Representative's does. The Senate is considered the "Upper" chamber of the Legislative branch. For all these reasons, it's not entirely wrong to say the Senate has more power ... but it's not entirely right, either.

Related questions

If the President of the United States is impeached on his First Term as President does that mean he can never run for office again?

Yes because he has committed a crime and would be lucky not to be put on trial for his crimes. A president (any) isn't immune to charges for crimes committed. The constitution bars presidents from accepting foreign perks and despite what President elect Trump states it would be illegal for him to take money or do business while he is president. It is a conflict of interest for him to do so and illegal.

Can a Wisconsin governor be impeached?

Everyone in the American government can be impeached or fired.

If someone leaves Wisconsin after convicted on 5th DUI will they comb the country looking for you?

no need to, sooner or later they all f..k up and get them selfs in trouble again

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The answer is in your last sentence.

If Bill Clinton was impeached how did he run for election again?

He didn't. Bill Clinton was impeached (charged with wrongdoing) by the House of Representatives in 1998, during his second term of office, but was acquitted (found not guilty) by the Senate in 1999. He wasn't removed from office. He served two full terms as President, so he wasn't eligible to run for election again.

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Epilepsy is diagnosed when someone has had several seizures. Various tests can be done to try and establish the cause, although for many people no cause can be found, as there are many potential cause. People will go on medication to help control their epilepsy.

What happens when you use regular gas?

... use it for what? Or if you use regular gas instead of what? If you ask this question again - with some more information saying exactly what you want to know - someone may be able to give you a better answer than this one!

Can a former president be impeached?

Any president can be impeached if the circumstances warrant it. However, only the US House of Representatives can impeach a US President. [Article I, section 2, paragraph 5, clause 2] Once a President has been impeached (accused), then the Senate would try that President. If and only if two thirds of the Senators voted guilty would that President be removed from office. [Article I, section 3, paragraph 6] For more, please feel free to view a transcript of the Constitution of the United States of America. Click on the link to the website of the National Archives under Related Links. But it should be noted that President Obama has a very high satisfaction rate among US citizens and has been elected to the presidency for a second term; thus, it is doubtful that he would be impeached, even if his political opponents wish it would happen.

How do you get Hercules from stone to regular again?

you do not need to

Can a criminal in prison be convicted of murder if already in prison for murder if he kills in the prison?

Yes the person can. The person convicted of the first murder is sentenced to jail time then that murder is done with. If while incarcerated and another murder is occurred then the subject will be go to trial for murder again but not the same person. You are thinking of double jeopardy. This only occurs after someone is tried and found not guilty. At that point the subject can run outside and say he did it with out being able to be tried again.

Can you again apply for a immigration Visa after your drug charge is dropped?

If you were never convicted of a federal crime, then yes.

Was president Clinton impeached or not?

Could we rather tell the TRUTH about Bubba? The truth is that he was NOT impeached for having illicit relations with an intern IN THE OVAL OFFICE. Or any of the OTHER, ADDITIONAL affairs and trysts he had WHILE MARRIED. The articles of impeachment clearly stated that he was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS. Like Nixon, if Bubba had simply admitted what happened, promised to take steps to make sure is never happened again, and OWNED their own behaviors, neither President would have faced impeachment.