The congress or the legislative body of the government can use casting vote in case of a tie.
Generally, yes..... but it will depend on the rules / standing orders of the particular committee or organisation.
political equality
Four Presidents won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote. They were Andrew Jackson, Samuel J. Tilden, Grover Cleveland and Al Gore.
No, for example certain people are not allowed to vote.
Casting a vote is when you choose a candidate and give them your vote in a poll/election.
Casting a vote is when you choose a candidate and give them your vote in a poll/election.
People vote on a piece of card which is called a ballot you vote in a private booth so no one knows who you've voted for. There are three names on a ballot and you put a cross next to the one you would like to be mp.
The congress or the legislative body of the government can use casting vote in case of a tie.
To abstain.
go to a voting booth
It means to get people to the voting booth.
You cast your vote in a voting booth, which is located at a polling place.
they can vote at a private place
The right to vote is known as enfranchisement.Another definition: Suffrage is the right or privilege of casting a vote at a public election.
the act of casting a vote is an election. Elections are used in democraciesUniversal suffrage.