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Generally, yes..... but it will depend on the rules / standing orders of the particular committee or organisation.

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Q: Does the Chair of a Committee have a casting vote?
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Can a chairperson vote?

No the Chair or Head of a Commitee only has a casting vote otherwise it would effectively mean that the Chairman has two votes and therefore an undue influence on any outcome to be voted on. Committee members vote 4:3 and the Chairman votes 4:4 he will then have a casting vote to 4:5 not Democratic.

What is casting of vote?

Casting a vote is when you choose a candidate and give them your vote in a poll/election.

What is casting vote?

Casting a vote is when you choose a candidate and give them your vote in a poll/election.

What is the leader of a committee?

the committee chair

What is the leader of the committee called?

the committee chair

What is the leader of a committee called?

the committee chair

Why are the committee chair people so powerful?

Well, congressional committees largely control the legislative process by deciding which bills come to a vote

What is a head of a committee?

a chair

How are committee chair persons chosen?

The answer depends on the constitution of the organisation. The chair may be appointed, may be elected in an open vote or by secret ballot of some or all members. There mat be a minimum number (quorum) required.

Is the chair of rules committeis a powerful postiton?

I will assume that cimmitteis is a misspelling of committees. The chair of a committee is the head of the committee and facilitates its meetings.

Who can use casting vote in case of a tie?

The congress or the legislative body of the government can use casting vote in case of a tie.

What is it called when you are not casting a vote?

To abstain.