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whenever 2/3 of both houses wants it

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Q: Congress may propose an amendment to the constitution whenever?
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What percentage of congress does it take to propose an amendment?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change pieces of the Constitution to better suit the nation's rights. According to Article V, two-thirds of Congress must deem it necessary in order to propose an amendment. To ratify the amendment, three-fourths of the states must approve.

What two groups have the power to propose amendments?

The two groups that have the power to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution are: The U.S. Congress The StatesThe U.S. Congress has the power to propose an amendment when two-thirds of both the Senate and the House of Representatives vote in favor of the amendment. The States also have the power to propose an amendment if two-thirds of the state legislatures vote in favor of the amendment. In either case any amendments proposed have to be ratified by three-fourths of the states in order to become part of the Constitution.

Why do you think the US Constitution has been amended only twenty seven times?

Because to amend the Constitution you have to propose an amendment in Congress, then it has to be formally passed by Congress. After being passed by Congress, the amendment is sent to the states to be ratified, but it has to be ratified by 3/4 of the states within a 10 year limit, otherwise the amendment is not added to the list of amendments

To propose a constitutional amendment Congress uses a what?

Public Bill

Who decides if an amendment is passed or not?

Article V in the Constitution spells out the ways how a Constitution can be amendment or changed. All of the 27 amendments have been proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress, and only the Twenty-first Amendment was ratified by constitutional conventions of the states. All other amendments have been ratified by state legislature.

Related questions

Congress may propose amendment to the Constitution whenever?

whenever 2/3 of both houses wants it

What majority in congress is required to introduce a constitutional amendment?

The Constitution states that 'The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution'.

Who isare the groups that hashave the power to propose an amendment to the constitution?

Either a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or a national convention can propose an amendment to the Constitution. Article V of the Constitution says, "The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments." (Note: The second method for proposing an amendment has only been used for repeal of the 21st Amendment (Prohibition).)

What is the what is the process for amending the Constitution?

There are two ways to propose and ratify amendments to the Constitution. To propose amendments two thirds of both houses of congress can vote to propose an amendment, and two thirds of the state legislatures can ask congress to call a national convention to propose amendments.

What two ways can an amendment to the constitution be proposed?

According to Article V of the US Constitution.. To propose an Amendment to the Constitution one of the following must occur: 1) 2/3 of Both Houses of Congress must vote to Propose an Amendment OR 2) 2/3 of the State Legislatures shall ask a congress to call a nation convention to propose amendments. However this has never been done. After the Amendment is Proposed by Congress, it must be ratified by 3/4 of the State Legislatures.

The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote in each house in order for Congress to?

propose a constitutional amendment

Which branch of congress has the power to ratify an amendment to the constitution?

No branch of Congress ratifies an amendment. 2/3s of both houses (House and Senate) propose an amendment and send the proposed amendment out to the states for ratification. 3/4s of the states are needed to "ratify" an amendment. This is found in Article 5 of the Constitution.

Can congress propose an amendment?


What percentage of congress does it take to propose an amendment?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change pieces of the Constitution to better suit the nation's rights. According to Article V, two-thirds of Congress must deem it necessary in order to propose an amendment. To ratify the amendment, three-fourths of the states must approve.

What two groups have the power to propose amendments?

The two groups that have the power to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution are: The U.S. Congress The StatesThe U.S. Congress has the power to propose an amendment when two-thirds of both the Senate and the House of Representatives vote in favor of the amendment. The States also have the power to propose an amendment if two-thirds of the state legislatures vote in favor of the amendment. In either case any amendments proposed have to be ratified by three-fourths of the states in order to become part of the Constitution.

How do you propose an amendment via the national convention route?

To propose an amendment: 1. Two-thirds of both houses of Congress vote to propose an amendment, or 2. Two-thirds of the state legislatures ask Congress to call a national convention to propose amendments.

What fraction of the houses of congress is necessary to propose an amendment to the constitution?

Congress cannot amend the US Constitution on its own authority. A 2/3 vote by both houses may authorize that a proposed amendment be sent to the states for ratification. If 3/4 of the states ratify the amendment it becomes effective.