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... holding them in contempt.

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Q: Congressional committees may punish people who refuse to testify by?
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In what ways are a witness's rights in a congressional investigation similar to and different from a witness's rights in a court?

You see, congessional committees have the power to subpoena witnesses. A subpoena is a legal order that a person appear or produce requested documents. Not only so, but they can even legally testify you under oath. Witnesses who do not tell the truth can be ciminally prosecuted of perjury. Committees may punish those who refuse to testify or otherwise will not cooperate by holding them in contempt of Congress, meaning possibility of being arrested and/or jailed. Congressional committees have granted immunity to witnesses. Immunity is freedom from prosecution for witnesses whose testimony ties them to illegal acts. Of course, the Fifth Amendment states that people cannot be forced to testify against themselves. Witnesses who are granted immunity, however, can be required to testify about illegal actiities in which athey are involved. Those who refuse may be held in contempt and jailed.

In what ways are a witness's rights in a congressional investigation similar to and different from a witnesses rights in court?

You see, congessional committees have the power to subpoena witnesses. A subpoena is a legal order that a person appear or produce requested documents. Not only so, but they can even legally testify you under oath. Witnesses who do not tell the truth can be ciminally prosecuted of perjury. Committees may punish those who refuse to testify or otherwise will not cooperate by holding them in contempt of Congress, meaning possibility of being arrested and/or jailed. Congressional committees have granted immunity to witnesses. Immunity is freedom from prosecution for witnesses whose testimony ties them to illegal acts. Of course, the Fifth Amendment states that people cannot be forced to testify against themselves. Witnesses who are granted immunity, however, can be required to testify about illegal actiities in which athey are involved. Those who refuse may be held in contempt and jailed.

What is vigilance committees?

self-appointed volunteers who would track down and punish wrongdoers.

How do Buddhism people punish people?

in return they punish them to learn

Why did Jigsaw punish Danica in the movie Saw 3?

She was the only witness to the death of Jeff's son, Dylan. Instead of staying to testify, She fled the scene.

When your dog bites people how do you punish them?

By asking: 'punish them', it sound like you want to punish the people that got bit. You probably mean how to punish the dog. Usually punishing an animal long after the biting will get no result as the animal will not understand as to why it is being punished. Prevent the animal from biting in the first place and you wont have to punish. if you still mean 'punish the people' then make funny faces at them and threaten to sue them for dental work required to your dog (LOL).

Did the leaders want to punish Germany after World War 1?

The people that were left wanted to punish Germany

Does god punish people?

yes, it hurts

How did Cleopatra punish people?

kill of course

Will God punish people for their thoughts?

People, being people, will think dark thoughts. God will not punish you for experiencing these thoughts that pop into your head, but may punish you because of what you do with them. Do you dispose of the thoughts? That's good! Or do you hang onto them, keeping them around? That's not as good.

What are the objects of punishment?

Objects that you use to punish people.

How did the sumerians punish people?

by farting on thier faces