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Q: Cultivation of the coca plant produces?
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What plant produces cocaine?

coca plant Cocaine is extracted from the leaves of the Erythroxylum (coca) bush- which readily grows in the Andes. However the cocaine or coca paste is extracted and is put through a series of chemical reactions before becoming Cocaine Hydrochloride-the white powder that is injected/snorted.

Does Peru grow coca?

Peru produces coca

Does Bolivia make coca?

Bolivia produces coca

Does crack come from heroin?

No, crack comes from processing cocaine into a crystaline form. Cocaine comes from the coca plant leaves (same plant that produces coca beans, used to make cocoa and chocolate), and heroine is an opiate, coming from poppy flowers.Cocaine in its various forms is derived from the coca plant which is native to the high mountain ranges of South America.

What is Horticology?

the study of gardening and plant cultivation.

Where is the largest plant of Coca-Cola in Asia?

the largest plant of coca-cola in asia is situated in Pakistan Gujranwala city

What does a coca plant look like?

What is commercial cultivation?

Commercial cultivation is a large scale operation that produces food. It could be anything from large commercial farms to giant fishing operations.

What does un coca mean in french?

Because you are using un coca, your phrase means "a coca plant." Un Coca means "a Coke," and une coca means "cocaine."

What plant produces corn?

The corn plant produces corn. Or rather, corn produces corn.