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Daniel's hobbies r hunting chopping trees exploring and trading with the Indians.

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William Barnett

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i needed this for my class work tysm
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Harrison Hamlin

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this was so helpful, i did not know this before!

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Q: Daniel Boone's hobbies
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Who is Daniel Bell?

Daniel Bell is a musician. See

Who is the most famous pioneer of colonial times?

Two candidates: Benjamin West and John Singleton Copley.

Daniel Webster opposed nullification for the sake of what?

Daniel webster

Did Daniel Boone's son Nathan Boone wed?

Yes, Nathan Boone, youngest son of the famous Daniel Boone married. He is an ancestor of my granddaughter by marriage and the line is well documented. His wife was Olive Van Bibber (1783-1858). They were married September 26, 1799, in Greenbriar County, KY, when Olive was just 16. One on-line source says that when the elder Boones were leaving Kentucky for Missouri, young Nathan began the trip with the family, then went back for his beautiful Olive. They married and set out alone for Missouri, following about a month behind the family. They had 14 children. Nathan and Olive died in Ash Grove, Greene County, Missouri. Yes, Nathan Boone, youngest son of the famous Daniel Boone married. He is an ancestor of my granddaughter by marriage and the line is well documented. His wife was Olive Van Bibber (1783-1858). They were married September 26, 1799, in Greenbriar County, KY, when Olive was just 16. One on-line source says that when the elder Boones were leaving Kentucky for Missouri, young Nathan began the trip with the family, then went back for his beautiful Olive. They married and set out alone for Missouri, following about a month behind the family. They had 14 children. Nathan and Olive died in Ash Grove, Greene County, Missouri.

Who is Daniel polski?

Daniel Polski is the Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to Kenya.