Per Nadine Chodas's book written in 2004 called Queen, Dinah Wahsington had two children. Their names are: George Kenneth Jenkins, by her second husband, and Robert "Bobby" Grayson Jr. her third husband.
Accidental overdose of prescription drugs.
Yes, Kerry Washington has 2 kids.
Geroge and Martha atopedfour kids named dainel Washington and joey Washington the other two kids died when theye were 2. The washingtons were unable to have their own children because George Washington had mumps earlier in his life and it left his reproductive system inadequate.
yes she had kids
st00pid freshman, tricks are for kids
Dinah Washington was born on August 29, 1924.
Dinah Washington was born on August 29, 1924.
Dinah Washington went by Queen of the blues.
Dinah Washington was born Ruth Lee Jones. It is not known who gave her the name Dinah Washington.
Dinah Washington's birth name is Jones, Ruth Lee.
Unforgettable - Dinah Washington album - was created in 1991.
Dinah was a superb jazz pianist .
Dinah was a superb jazz pianist .
Dinah Washington Died On The Day of December 14,1963
Back to the Blues - Dinah Washington album - was created in 1963.
Dinah Washington
Dinah Washington Sings Fats Waller was created on 1957-11-20.