The Sahara desert used to be a rainforest, and is assumed to turn back into one another 20,000 years from now.
Apparently the native shrub commonly called New Jersey Tea Plant was a substitute.
The African welwitchsia manages to survive in the Sahara desert due to its extremely deep roots The African peyote cactus is built with thick stems. The thickness of the stems helps the plant to hold back water for a considerable amount of time. The leaves of the cactus are reduced to spines. This helps in preventing water loss from the stomata, due to evaporation.
Jalap is a dicot plant, member of the convulvus family. Jalap also refers to the dried tuberous roots of such plants.
Generally, leaves of desert plants are smaller than their counterparts elsewhere. However, their is no particular size unless you specify a particular species of plant
The Sturt Desert Pea is a unique plant of the dry Australian desert areas. It is not so much that this native plant gets water in a particular way: it is more that it has unique adaptations to conserve its water. The Sturt Desert Pea will flower for many weeks when it rains, but during dry periods, it closes up and waits for the next rain.
The answer depends on the amount of rainfall the particular desert receives. The Atacama Desert receives very little rainfall so has little plant life. On the other hand, the Sonoran Desert receives more rainfall and has much more plant life.
A cactus is a plant that lives in the desert.
Yes, the date palm is a desert plant.
A tall desert plant would be a vascular plant.
There are a number of desert plants that can cause death in humans if consumed. Unless you are quite familiar with plant life in a particular region, do not eat anything. For more information see the link below.
A Cactus is a good example of a desert plant.A desert palnt is any plant that has adapted to live in an arid environment.
no. its a desert for a reason
The money plant can not survive in desert because in desert because their is large amount of sun light and money plant will die. It can only survive indoors
There is no 'Nimbi Desert.' Perhaps you mean the Namib Desert?