The first scribes were Hippocrates and Jedyaes of Athens, Greece in 674 B.C.E.
Chinese scribes recorded history and events of daily life. These involved battles and everyday happenings.
scribes were important on Egypt to record tings that were happenng in the town like birth deth and so on.
They kept recoreds of the people of all the scribes
They would write important information for the people of egypt.
because in egypt people wanted to be succesful and pharoahs wanted to show power to people and be remembered in the future.
pharoahs had to be born in the royal family and have royal blood
Village of the Pharoahs was created in 1973.
because they wanted to help the pharoahs pass on into the after-life
Egyptian Pharoahs are buried in the Valley of the Pharoahs, and not in pyramids as is popularly believed.
The Romans.
being the king.
In a palace with the vizier
they were pharoahs