Chinese scribes recorded history and events of daily life. These involved battles and everyday happenings.
The first scribes were Hippocrates and Jedyaes of Athens, Greece in 674 B.C.E.
scribes were important on Egypt to record tings that were happenng in the town like birth deth and so on.
They kept recoreds of the people of all the scribes
They would write important information for the people of egypt.
Korean scribes
Scribes worked in the Temple.
Scribes were skilled in writing.
Scribes were the record keepers for Pharohs and Dignitaries.
The civil servant from Ancient Egypt is called scribes or sekhau.
the beliefs that scribes had where Christianity and buddihsm!! losers
The ISBN of The Scribes from Alexandria is 1842551906.
The Scribes from Alexandria was created in 2007.
osiris or scribes
In modern Israel, there are no scribes (just as there are no scribes in any other modern country). In Ancient Israel, scribes wrote down information for the government bureaucracy. At that time, literacy was incredibly low, so the scribes wrote and read for the leadership.
Yes! Of course they did. Without the scribes, the world wouldn't have hieroglyphics. The scribes were in charge of recording everything down.
No. Scribes only taught other apprentice scribes. The general public was not taught how to read.