what are imports and exports of america?
They would be called exports.
One of the biggest exports of the state of Colorado is the meat of bovine animals. Colorado exports this around the USA.
They are not extensively industrialized. Their economies rely heavily on exports.
Some of the major exports of the United States are oil, plastics, pharmaceutical products and machinery. Other major exports are electronic equipment, vehicles and aircraft.
i believe pottery, olives, and graps are...........
I believe from what i have learned in social studies is that the biggest oil exports are in the middle east like Saudi Arabia and in the ocean.
Richard Hakluyt thought that colonies would provide a market for England exports and they also would serve as a source of raw materials. In addition, a colony would make their trade increase and it will build up their gold supply.
I believe that is cotton.
Exports to France were haulted. France exports were halted.
what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance? what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance? what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance? what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance? what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance?
net exports=X-I where:X=exports I=imports
Leading exports simply means main exports.
no exports
Exports @
Imports and Exports
Monaco has no significant exports.