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sybil luding ton did not go to school although her brothers did

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Q: Did Sybil Ludington go to school and if so where?
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Who was Sybil Ludington's husband?

Sybil Ludingtons father was a colonel. He needed someone to gather up his troop so that is what Sybil Ludington did.

What did Sybil Ludington do that was so important?

Sybil Ludington rode 25 miles on her horse star to tell people that the British were burning down Danbury. she rode twice the length of paul reveere yet she is way more famous then him. Edited: Sybil rode 40 miles on her horse named Star. She was sixteen and Paul Revere was 40 and only rode 10 miles. Paul Revere is more famous than Sybil. Sybil Ludington was important to the Revolutionary War because she had warned a colony that the Regulars were coming (The British), she had asked her dad to do that instead of him asking her.

Sybil ludingtons childhood?

She was born on April 5th, 1761 in Duchess County, New York. At 16, She was the oldest of 12 siblings. Her parents were Abigail and Colonel Henry Ludington. Sybil's Parents wanted her to be more ladylike, though she was much too adventurous. She did kitchen work, baby tending, as well as outdoor chores such as working in the fields and mill.

What is the difference between the population of Greenland and the population of the city or town where your school is located?

It depends what school you go to so your SCREWED!!!

Sybil what did her mom do to her?

The red bag with the hose attached was what her mom used to abuse her. She would take the hose and put it inside Sybil's vagina or rectum, so the read bag filled with liquid would drain into her. The her mom would force her to hold it inside her, while she played classical composer's music. The bag could be filled wih the liqud of her choosing, either water, gas, ect. ect.

Related questions

Who was Sybil Ludington's husband?

Sybil Ludingtons father was a colonel. He needed someone to gather up his troop so that is what Sybil Ludington did.

What do you think sybil ludington look like?

In those time it was black and white so I think that she wore a black or white dress!

What did Sybil Ludington do that was so important?

Sybil Ludington rode 25 miles on her horse star to tell people that the British were burning down Danbury. she rode twice the length of paul reveere yet she is way more famous then him. Edited: Sybil rode 40 miles on her horse named Star. She was sixteen and Paul Revere was 40 and only rode 10 miles. Paul Revere is more famous than Sybil. Sybil Ludington was important to the Revolutionary War because she had warned a colony that the Regulars were coming (The British), she had asked her dad to do that instead of him asking her.

Sybil ludingtons childhood?

She was born on April 5th, 1761 in Duchess County, New York. At 16, She was the oldest of 12 siblings. Her parents were Abigail and Colonel Henry Ludington. Sybil's Parents wanted her to be more ladylike, though she was much too adventurous. She did kitchen work, baby tending, as well as outdoor chores such as working in the fields and mill.

Why is Sybil Ludington so famous?

Sybil made a ride at the age of sixteen to help her father muster the troops at Danbury to fight off the English invaders during the American Revolution on April 26, 1777. Without this ride the patriots in Danbury would have had no immediate help and the damage to their town would have been much worse. Her ride was twice as far as Paul Revere's. Her father was Colonel Henry Ludington, he was in charge of the Kent/Patterson area in New York.

Did sybil ludington have anything to do with the revolutionary war?

syibl does have to do with the war she rode 25 miles with her horse star to warn people that the british were burning down danbury.Improved Answer:Yes, Sybil Ludington did have a major part in the Revolutionary war.The British were burning the town of Danbury. Messengers were sent out to warn the townspeople and the colonel in charge of the militia, which was Colonel Henry Ludington (Sybil's Father). The messenger was too tired to carry n and alert the rest of the militia and people. Colonel Ludington was not able to do so either for he was in charge of the Militia and had to wait for the others to arrive. Thee were already 150 soldiers ready to fight, but they needed more men.Sybil agreed to alert the local militia that the British were burning the nearby town of Danbury, Connecticut, where a large amount of the colonel's troop's supplies were kept. Riding as hard as she could through the rainy, muddy, dark night, Sybil raced from one farmhouse to another, covering 40 miles of ground. This was more than Paul Revere traveled during his famous midnight ride!Sybil was successful in rallying the local soldiers, who gathered at her father's farmhouse that night, then marched to meet the British at Danbury. Although they weren't able to save the town or the supplies, they did push the British out of the area.Also: Sybil's name can be spelled in several ways *sibbell, sibel, cybiland multiple other ways

What is Sybil rated?

Sybil was a made-for-TV movie, so it was not rated by the MPAA.

Did Sybil Ludington fight for independence day?

She rode to warn the towns in her area that the British were on the march on April 19, 1775, so in a way she did fight for independence since it was the start of the revolution. Yet, independence was not declared until July 4, 1776 and Congress did not approve independence until Aug. 1776.

Did Sybil Luington have grandchildren if so how many?


What is sybille's?

Sybil was a made-for-TV movie, so it was not rated by the MPAA.

What school did Thames go to?

Rivers so no go to school, what is your real question

Should you go to school if you have Swine Flu?

NO. Swine Flu is highly contageous in all but the last day or so of infection. SO NO.