No, drummer boys of the civil war did not carry weapons. All they did is drum.
it effect china causerie poor people couldn't afford to take the test and the Confucius favored the wealthy and only boys could take the test
the two boys are white...
depending on the gender the girls did what the women did clean the house and cook. the boys were taught how to hunt chop lumber and during the time leading up to the civil war they were taughthow to work the slaves.
the little white boys
John George There are a set of drum sticks in the Adrian, Michigan Museum, (lenawee, County) that belonged to my great, great, great, great, (many great's ago) grandfather who drummed from General Washington in 1776. He also served 7 years, 3 months in the Revolutionary War and received pension as a Matross. His name was Josiah Jordan from Stoughton, Mass.
the drummer boys were the ones who gave the emotion during the battle.
Drummer boys were used to send messages to the soilders.
By being drummer boys
Drummer boys were used to help with communicating commands to front line soldiers.
ok, drummer boys and buglers were helpful because they made military signals with their instruments.
Drummer boys were used to send messages to the soilders.
beat the drum to keep the troops in formation
beat the drum to keep the troops in formation
yes they did they took the drum and hit people in the crotch
No. The troops were young men and boys. The boys were drummer boys, but many did fight as well.
Civil war drummer boys were very important. They sent signals with their drums. With out the drummer boys the soldiers would have a harder time figuring out what a higher ranked officer needed them to do? Anything else you need? -A
Hi, I am doing a report on civil war drummer boys. I have reserched a lot and have found that during the civil war drummer boys sometimes didn't even have uniforms. Some wore what ever they had. Others, wore left over uniforms that usually did not fit. If you have any questions i would be glad to answer them! For other boys it depended on the side they were fighting for.