I don't know if he did or not lol! i dont think so
if he did then he was married in 1896 but i have no idea
Howard Carter died in 1939 of Hodgkin's disease.
Pharoah Hatsheput's tomb was discovered in 1902 by British archeologist, Howard Carter. It was discovered while doing another excavation in the Valley of the Kings.
John Adams, John Qunicy Adams, Martin Van Buren, Benjamin Harrison, William Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter, and George H.W. Bush
Carter in 1978, Reagan in 1986.
James Carter is still alive fbhj
Howard Carter was married in 1896. To the love of his life.
he did not
martha joyce cater
Howard carter had 8 children and i don't know if he got married but if he did he got married to lady Elizabeth.
howard carter was 22 years old when he married the love of his life he was born in 1874 and got married in 1896 which would make him 22 years old
Yes he did Marry they had 3 children but Marry died of a unknown disease people say by the curse of Howard Carter she also had HIV for being touch by other blood she died at 57 Howard also died at 28 Howard died before her but Howard died for having sex to much and caught AIDS.
Howard Carter the Archaeologist was from Britain. Howard Carter the basketball player was from the United States.
Howard Carter died in 1939 of Hodgkin's disease.
i did. I'm howard carter
Tutankhamen's tomb was found by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon in 1922
It was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922.
Howard Carter was born on May 9, 1874.