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iffrence beetween Parliament and State Legislative

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Q: Difference between state legislative assembly and parliament?
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Difference between legislative assembly and lok sabha?

Lok Sabha is part of the Indian Parliament. It is the lower house of the parliament. The legislative assembly in India is the upper house.

What are different between Members of Parliament and Members of legislative Assembly?

Whether the question is in capital letters or not matters, here. A legislative assembly is any group of people formally charged with making laws. A Legislative Assembly can be the provincial parliament of a province in Canada, for instance British Columbia. In British Columbia, a Member of Parliament is an elected politician who sits in the Federal Parliament in Ottawa, making laws for all of Canada; a Member of the Legislative Assembly is an elected politician who sits in the Legislative Assembly in Victoria, making laws for British Columbia.

What is the Difference between parliament and national assembly?

Parliament means where the mp seats and assembly means where the mla seats that is thats is thats it

What is the main difference between the state legislative branch and the federal legislative branch?

I'm not sure if it depends on the state, but the Illinois state legislative has the General Assembly while the Federal legislative has Congress

What is the difference between MLA and MP?

MLA stands for Modern Language Association, which is a citation style used in academic writing to acknowledge sources. MP stands for Member of Parliament, which is a title given to elected representatives in the legislative body of a country.

What is the difference between the work that mla do in the assembly and the work done by government departments?

Legislative assembly is responsible for formation of legisltion for the wellbeing of the state where as the government departments will implement it.

What is the difference between the work that MLAs do in the assembly and the work done by government departments?

Legislative assembly is responsible for formation of legisltion for the wellbeing of the state where as the government departments will implement it.

Difference between MP and MLA in India?

mla is the member of state legislative assembly and mp is the member of loksabha or rajya sabha

What is the difference between assembly and state elections in India?

Legislative assembly elections are those elections in which the members of the state assembly are chosen. This election is held every five years and are done in different years for each state.

Difference between Lok Sabha and Assembly elections?

In Lok Sabha elections, members are elected by the people of India through direct election. In Legislative Assembly elections, members are chosen by the Vidhan Sabha.

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What is the difference between the Parliament from 1295 and the Parliament now?

Differences between parliament today and in 1295;