The legislative branch is part of the federal government.
the legislative branch
One is longer------NEW ANSWER BELOW----US Constitution has seven articles; Illinois has fourteenBill of Rights are located at the end of US Constitution; Bill of Rights located at the start for Illinois Constitution
Constitutional federal courts are either created or allowed to be created under Article III of the Constitution. For instance, federal district courts and circuit court of appeals are Constitutional federal courts. The Supreme Court also falls under the category of Constitutional Federal Courts and it is the highest court in America. Legislative federal courts, on the other hand, are established by Congress using implied power. For instance, the Court of Military Appeals is a legislative federal court.
legislative, judicial, executive
I'm not sure if it depends on the state, but the Illinois state legislative has the General Assembly while the Federal legislative has Congress
divided equally between Judicial, Legislative, and Executive
The legislative branch is part of the federal government.
The legislative branch of the federal government is called the Congress.
what is the difference between a republic and a monarchy?
the legislative branch
One is longer------NEW ANSWER BELOW----US Constitution has seven articles; Illinois has fourteenBill of Rights are located at the end of US Constitution; Bill of Rights located at the start for Illinois Constitution
There is no difference between a central government and a federal government. Both of those types of government do the same thing. The only difference is in the name.
They both have an executive, legislative and judicial branch.
the judicial system interprets the laws (Judicial Branch)Added: Law enforcement enforces them (Executive Branch)The state or federal legislature introduces them (Legislative Branch)
legislative makes laws whereas executive implements it
the legislative branch has the most legislative duties because it is in the name : )