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One is longer


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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Federal Constitution has 7 articles and the Illinois Constitution has 14

The articles are named differently.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

because Illinois is a state

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Q: The difference between the state of Illinois Constitution and the US Constitution?
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How many state representatitives does Illinois as?

Illinois has 21 state representitives Wish me luck on my constitution test!

What is the difference between the US Constitution and the Washington State Constitution?

the us constitution goes across the hole us wile Washington constitution is only

What are the main parts of the Illinois Constitution called?

The main parts of the Illinois constitution are referred to as articles. The current version of the state's constitution was adopted in 1970.

What is the main difference between the state of Illinois' legislative Branch and the federal legislative branch?

The state of Illinois legislative branch makes laws for the state of Illinois. The legislative branch of the United States make laws for the federal government (the U.S.).

Does the Illinois constitution have a preamble?

Yes. Constitution of the State of IllinoisAdopted at special election on December 15, 1970PREAMBLEWe, the People of the State of Illinois - grateful toAlmighty God for the civil, political and religious libertywhich He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessingupon our endeavors - in order to provide for the health,safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representativeand orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality;assure legal, social and economic justice; provideopportunity for the fullest development of the individual;insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense;and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselvesand our posterity - do ordain and establish this Constitutionfor the State of Illinois.(Source: Illinois Constitution.)

Related questions

Is the Illinois constitution longer than the US Constitution?

because Illinois is a state

What is the supreme law of Illinois?

The supreme law of Illinois is the US Constitution followed by the Illinois state constitution.

How many state representatitives does Illinois as?

Illinois has 21 state representitives Wish me luck on my constitution test!

How many state Constitution has Illinois had?

There have been four Illinois Constitutions.

What is the difference between the US Constitution and the Washington State Constitution?

the us constitution goes across the hole us wile Washington constitution is only

What are the main parts of the Illinois Constitution called?

The main parts of the Illinois constitution are referred to as articles. The current version of the state's constitution was adopted in 1970.

Who is Illinois state auditor?

The title does not exist in Illinois but the duties of the Auditor of Public Accounts under the old Illinois Constitution were shifted in the 1970 Constitution to the Illinois Comptroller. The current Illinois Comptroller is Daniel W. Hynes.

What is the main difference between the state of Illinois' legislative Branch and the federal legislative branch?

The state of Illinois legislative branch makes laws for the state of Illinois. The legislative branch of the United States make laws for the federal government (the U.S.).

In the Illinois Constitution who has primary responsibility for funding schools?

The state

What was the purpose of the 1970 Illinois constitution?

The people of the state of Illinois, through the Illinois Constitution of 1970, created a governmental structure to manage the public activities of the state. The primary purpose of the constitution is to transfer governing power from the people to the government.

What is the state that is in between Indiana and Illinois?

There are no states between Indiana and Illinois

What purpose does the Illinois state constitution have?

they have the same laws as oher states