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Conference committee

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Q: Differences in House and Senate bills are resolved by?
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Who votes first the house or the senate?

If The House writes it, it's The House first, then The Senate. Bills written in The Senate, Generally go to Senate first vote then The House. In some occasions, The House will vote first on Senate Bills.

Who is on the house and senate conference committee?

There is no standing conference committee. Before a bll passed by both chanbers can go to the President for signature, the two bills must match. When the differences in the bills need to be compromised and negotiated to match, a conference committee with members of both the House and Senate is formed to work out the differences and come to agreement.

Who are Bills introduced in the senate by who?

Bills in the senate can only be introduced by Senators. Bills in the House of Representatives can only be introduced by representatives. No-one else can introduce bills in either house.

Does the house or the senate introduce revenue bills?

the house

Bills are introduced in the senate by who?

Bills in the senate can only be introduced by Senators. Bills in the House of Representatives can only be introduced by representatives. No-one else can introduce bills in either house.

What is the purpose of a congressional conference committees?

what is the role of a bicameral conference committee

Where can bills be introduced?

The House of Representatives or the Senate

In the role of servant to their constituents members of congress do what?

screen bills for action by the whole House or Senate.

Describe at least three steps in the government budget process?

The President submits a budget request to Congress, The House and Senate pass budget resolutions, and house and Senate Appropriations subcommittees markup appropriations bills. Other steps include: The House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences, the President signs each appropriations bill and the budget becomes law

Does the Senate have the same power as the House of Representatives to initiate Bills in Australia?

No the house of reps initiates bills and the senate voices its agreement or disagreement with all or some of them.

Does the Senate always draft the bills or can the House of representatives draft a bill?

house of representatives can draft bills