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No. Formal, written laws are made by Congress or by state legislatures, and are called enacted laws. The US Supreme Court is not a legislative (law-making) body, but its decisions carry the rule of law. Judicial decisions may become common law, (or case law) which is enforceable, but different from the enacted laws created by the Senate and House of Representatives. Congress and the state legislatures may codify common law, or transform it into enacted law, by passing legislation. The courts do not participate in this type of law-making.

It is important to remember that not all judicial decisions create common law; most simply interpret or apply existing laws.

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Q: Do all laws come from the US Supreme Court?
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What does the Supreme Court do?

the supreme court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all - the Constitution

Who has the power to review all laws and treaties?

i think the supreme court

What is the majority purpose of the supreme court?

The main purpose of the US Supreme Court is to ensure that all laws in the US conform to the US Constitution.

Which court is the final judge on all federal laws and the US Constitution?

The Supreme Court of the United States, head of the Judicial branch of the US government.

What is the major purpose of the U.S. Supreme Court.?

The main purpose of the US Supreme Court is to ensure that all laws in the US conform to the US Constitution.

Who has power to review all laws and treaties of the United states?

The Supreme Court has the power to review all laws and treaties of the United States. They can declare these unconstitutional.

What does suprem court do?

the supreme court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all - the Constitution

What does the US Supreme Court make sure all laws follow?

All laws and Executive Orders are required to follow the principles of the US Constitution; however, it would be a mistake to think the US Supreme Court "makes sure" this happens. The Court can only review laws and Orders that are part of, or relevant to, a case under their review. If Congress passes a law that is never challenged, and the law is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court can't do anything about it.

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The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in the following cases:revenue, mandamus, and habeas corpus. Otherwise it is simply the final court of appeal on all other state matters that have come up from the Circuit Court on appeal.

All laws must agree with what document?

All laws must agree with the United States Constitution. If a law does not abide by the constitution, it can be challenged by the Supreme court.

Who has the power to review and interpret all laws arising under the constitution?

The Supreme Court of the United States.

Do all cases involving federal laws tried in the supreme court?

No. There is an entire court system. Minor court issues are resolved in minor courts. If there is a controversy then it is moved up the line of courts, eventually reaching the state supreme court if there are enough controversies. If there is a challenge to the state supreme court's final decision, than it MAY be moved to the Supreme Court of the United States.