Political parties can often directly influence how people vote. For most devotees of a political party, voting with the party line is on par with religious devotion.
Political parties have unified groups of people and helped them seek and achieve common goals. They help to offer voters choices. Just as people have a favorite sports team that they tend to favor, political parties give people something to identify with. Political parties tend to control who get what, where, when, and how much. Their major purpose for existence is to get people to elect their candidates. Political parties tend to attract people based on their performances and their political platforms. What the promise and what they accomplish while being in office largely determine which coalitions will affiliate with their party in the next elections. So even though elections between political parties can be heated they have served as a way for people to identify with government and best express their individual voice.
To give voters a stronger voice in government
I believe that political parties and special interest groups formed mainly to group like-ideas together and give a voice to lesser known platforms.
By getting them nominated they get their name on the ballot then they start campaigning, they then start to push their view and make sure they are voters
George Washington believed that political parties would be the down fall of our country. As he neared his resignation, George Washington wrote a letter to the nation. He warned of the danger of political parties, and how they would turn the government from a group of people interested in their nation's future to a rabbling mob of power hungry professional politicians. In short, he opposed political parties. However, near the beginning of the election of the second president, two parties, the Democrats and the Federalists emerged. They declined in popularity, however, and faded from the political mainstream of the time. When the seventh presidency (don't quote me, it was close to then, I'm pretty sure) began, two new parties gained prominence. The National Republicans, or Whigs, and the Democrats. These two political parties are still the most popular today. George Washington's Farewell Address "They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests." This is what we have today politicians that represent the rich and powerful not the majority of Americans, and not national unity. None of the founding fathers wanted political parties because the thought they would cause too much conflict.
1. Parties pick candidates. 2. Parties run campaigns. 3. Parties give cues to voters. 4. Parties articulate policies. 5. Parties coordinate policymaking.
The most important roles of minor political parties has been to give the voters and option outside of the 2 major parties. Minor political parties have altered the outcome of some of elections.
money time and work
money time and work
Political parties in India are recognized by The Election Commission. This Commission recognizes the party, provides it a ballot paper and give Code of Conduct to the parties.
political parties give political education to the people....
he give them a million dallors
Political parties have unified groups of people and helped them seek and achieve common goals. They help to offer voters choices. Just as people have a favorite sports team that they tend to favor, political parties give people something to identify with. Political parties tend to control who get what, where, when, and how much. Their major purpose for existence is to get people to elect their candidates. Political parties tend to attract people based on their performances and their political platforms. What the promise and what they accomplish while being in office largely determine which coalitions will affiliate with their party in the next elections. So even though elections between political parties can be heated they have served as a way for people to identify with government and best express their individual voice.
To give voters a stronger voice in government
He Spoke out against the American party system.
I believe that political parties and special interest groups formed mainly to group like-ideas together and give a voice to lesser known platforms.
not to have political parties and not to make alliances with foreign nations.