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No, you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote in the primary.

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Q: Do you have to be a registered democrat to vote in the Indiana democratic primary?
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Can a registered democrat vote republican in the Virginia primary?

In Virginia, voters do not register by party affiliation and can choose which primary to vote in. Registered voters can participate in either the Democratic or Republican primary, regardless of their party affiliation.

In Arizona can a registered Democrat vote Republican in the primary elections?

During the Primary a registered Democrat cannot even go to the Republican primary, but you can vote Republican in the election.

Can you vote Democratic in the Mississippi primary but Republican in the national election in November?

Yes, in the primary if you are a Democrat, you are only allowed to vote for candidates running in the Democratic primary. But in the general election, all registered voters can choose from the Democratic candidate, Republican candidate, Independent candidate, or any other candidate that appears on the November ballot.

Can a registered democrat vote republican in Pennsylvania presidential election?

Yes, you can. I found this in "Virginia is an Open Primary state which means that any registered voter in Virginia can vote in either a Democratic or Republican primary. When both parties are holding a primary election, you will be asked which primary you want to vote in when you check in to vote with your photo ID."

How do you become a registered democrat in Texas so I can vote in the primary?

Texas has an open primary system meaning so long as you don't vote in the republican primary you can vote in the Democratic primary. I believe that they stamp your voter registration card with a stamp showing that you participated in the primary election.

Can a registered republican vote for a democrat in the Arizona primary?

no, not in the primary but you can vote for whom ever you want in the nov. election.

What does it mean to be a registered democrat?

In the United States, you do not need to declare yourself a member of any political party in order to vote for president; but in primary elections, it is necessary in many states to choose one party and register as a member. You will then be given the ballot that has the candidates from your party-- in this case, the Democratic party ballot.

Who would be allowed to vote in a democratic closed primary?

Only registered democrats.

Can you vote for republication president in primary if registered democrat in state of California?

No. You can't cross party lines. You will get the ballot in the party you are registered. If you are independent or Green Party you don't get to vote in the primary.

Who would be allowed to vote in a democratic party close primary?

Only registered democrats.

What is the Different between an open and close primary?

In an open primary anyone can vote for any candidate in either party regardless of whether they are registered democrat or republican. In a closed primary you can only vote for someone in your registered party.

What is difference between closed and open primary?

In an open primary anyone can vote for any candidate in either party regardless of whether they are registered democrat or republican. In a closed primary you can only vote for someone in your registered party.