why can't you vote in the primary election for either a democrat or a republican if you register as a republican? would it not be better to register as a democrat and be able to vote either way than to register as a republican and be limited?
you just take up their point of views and register as a Democrat with the voting thing....Thousands of republicans are now switching to become democrat, after EVERY ONE of the republicans in the senate and house of representative voted to cut off middle class American workers at the knees by not extending unemployment benefits that we the Americans paid our hard earned money to have when we needed it. On the same day, the Pompous and Arrogant republicans, attempted to pass laws that the richest of the rich pay NO TAXES AT ALL (Watch CSPAN 2), while we the middle class are financially eliminated through our jobs being sent overseas.Don't take my word for this, look at CSPAN and closely WATCH. Their entire focus is on the richest of the rich, because that is where the MONEY IS!Then watch the democrats speak, they are FOR THE PEOPLE!That is why I decided to quit blindly following the republican party, and switch to the party that actually helps Americans!To switch parties, simply go to the Post Office or Local Library and fill out a "Voters Registration Form" requesting to switch your party affiliation. It is easy, free and costs nothing to mail.Note: There are some good republicans, I was one for many years, I was just simply blind to the fact that their hidden agenda is to protect the rich.in Ct.:: re-register at the local [ city/town ] Registrar of voters office OR contact your ward Asst. Ward Registtrar OR have a Justice of the Peace change your party affiliatin. want neither ? register as a non-affiliated voter [ NOT independent ]
If I had to defend a castle then I would either build the walls stronger so catapults or other modern day objects Can not get through the Walls of the castle or make the castle higher so the stones or other objects cant get over the Wall's.
mason cant ride a bike mason cant ride a bike
it gets you farther in life. without education,you cant get a good job, and without a good job you cant get anywhere and get no money
they cant
we cant tell you the answer if you cant tell us who ''she'' is :( sorry
you cant it is primary
you cant its a primary colour.
Its a primary source as it comes off a tree - cant get more primary than that
From what I saw in movie "Home of the Brave" he seemed quite Republican. Now yes, that is just a movie but I cant see any Hollywood lefty ever starring in a role which seemed to support the war, especially the troops. It was a great film. The part that showed that Samuel L Jackson was a Repuplican was when he was talking to his son (in the movie), who was furious we were at war. So no 100% certainty, but I would have to say Republican.
u cant smell oders
u cant smell oders
no, you cant. love is either there or its not. and, you cant do anything to stop fate.
you cant
I cant figure it out either
Either you got the newest bully on wii and can do shop and get it or you go into the town and buy one if you cant do either you cant get a bike
red is a primary colour. you cant make primary colours. so the answer is no. red is a primary colour. you cant make primary colours. so the answer is no. red is a primary colour. you cant make primary colours. so the answer is no. Wrong. Red is no longer a primary color. It has been replaced by magenta, and blue has been replaced by cyan. Magenta, yellow, and cyan g9ive a much larger set of colors than red, yellow and blue did. Your computer color printer makes red by mixing magenta and yellow. It makes blue by mixing magenta and cyan.