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Yes they influence the governments decision.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes. Usually, s/he is also paid or otherwise compensated to do so.

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Q: Does a lobbyist a person who tries to influence the way lawmakers vote?
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An organization that tries to influence public policy?

interest group

A group trying to get Congressman to vote a certain way?

A lobby is a group that tries to get a Congressman to vote a certain way. They are also referred to as lobbyist.

What is indirect lobbying?

Grassroots lobbying From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGrassroots lobbying (also indirect lobbying) is a form of lobbying that focuses on raising awareness of a particular cause at the local level, with the intention of reaching thelegislature and making a difference in the decision-making process. Grassroots lobbying is an approach that separates itself from direct lobbying through the act of asking thegeneral public to contact legislators and government officials concerning the issue at hand, as opposed to conveying the message to the legislators directly. Companies, associations and citizens are increasingly partaking in grassroots lobbying as an attempt to influence a change in legislation.[1]The unique characteristic of grassroots lobbying, in contrast to other forms of lobbying, is that it involves stimulating the politics of specific communities. This type of lobbying is different from the more commonly known direct lobbying, as it is naturally brought upon by the organization.

Which clause states that Congress has the power to coin money determine the value of US money and punish any person who tries to counterfeit US money?

commerce clause

What happens when a person or a government attempts to deprive someone of something necessary to human dignity?

if a person tries to take your dignity away from you something could happen to them because us as humans have rights and they cnat make us do something or tka eit away from us because their not in control.

Related questions

Person who tries to influence the votes of lawmakers?


Person who tries to influence legislators?

A lobbyist is a person who tries to influence legislators by advocating for specific policies or issues on behalf of a group, organization, or company. Lobbyists often use various tactics, such as providing information, conducting research, and building relationships with lawmakers in order to sway decisions in their favor.

Person who tries to influence members of congress?

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What is a person who tries to influence legislators or other public officials in favor specific causes?

A lobbyist. There is a growing school of thought that these not ought to be allowed to function as they do now, since it constitutes the pandering of unfair influence.

An organization that tries to influence public policy?

interest group

A Lobbyist is?

A lobbyist is a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest or a member of a lobby. Governments often define and regulate organized group lobbying. Or in its simplest form, it's someone who works in a lobby paid representative for an interest group. APEX

What is the meaning of the word lobbyist?

A lobbyist is a person who tries to influence decisions made by government officials on behalf of a particular individual, organization, or interest group. Lobbyists often engage in activities such as advocacy, persuasion, and networking to promote their clients' interests.

What is typically involved in political lobbying?

Lobbying typically involves the lobbyist giving a politician money for their campaign to try to pass a legislation that they desire. The politician then tries to pass this legislation, and tries to get elected using the money from the lobbyist.

What is a lobyest?

a person, acting for a special interest group, who tries to influence the introduction of or voting on legislation or the decisions of government administrators

What is Patton boggs for in life?

Patton Boggs is actually a lawyer and a lobbyist in Washington, DC. He tries to provide legal services to people who are in the government and get into trouble.

What is the goal of a lobbyist?

He/she tries to persuade politicians to vote a certain way on certain bills that would benefit the lobbying firm that he/she works for. For example, a lobbyist from the aarp (American association of retired persons) would try to convince politicians to vote to benefit people who are retired.

An organization that tries to influence legislation in favor if a cause is called a?

An organization that tries to influence legislation in favor if a cause is called a lobby.