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No. The President of the US will allays be referred to as President. It is normal for an ex-President to be called "Former President so and so" when introduced in a TV show, but the correct title is President until death. Same holds true for Judges and Senators, but not for Representatives or lower offices.

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Q: Does a president lose his title after term of office?
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What was john hanson title?

President John Hanson. Full title - President John Hanson in Congress Assembled of the United States of America. Although different titles were considered under both constitutions of the United States, the Executive Office of the President was not created until 1939. As the title changes, the position as President remains the Head of State and Head of Government of the United States of America in the Office of the President as it is spelled out in both constitutions. In the original constitution that patriots died for - Article IX gives the term of the Office of the President.

What is the title of the chief executive or head of the executive branch of the United States and what is the name of the person who is in that office currently in 2016?

The title of the chief executive or head of the executive branch of the United States is the US President. Barack Obama, a two-term president, is coming to the end of his second term in 2016.

Who shares the presidents term of office?

The Vice President of the United States shares the President's term of office. The President is elected along with the Vice President to serve 4 years.

Where did the term president of the US come from?

The President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the US military according to the Constitution. Since the president has no military rank, a special title was created for the position.

What is the age requirement and term for the president of the US?

The President must have reached the age of 35 when he takes the oath of office. His term of office is 4 years with a two term limit (based on the 22nd Amendment).

Related questions

Will President Obama hold the title of 44th and 45th president when he takes the oath of office for a second term?

President Obama will always be the 44th president of the United States. The 45th U.S. president will be the person who succeeds him after he leaves office.

Can a president serve one term in office then lose the next election and run again and serve 8 years or does his first term count?

The first term counts.

How can a president's legacy be carried forward after his term of office?

How can a president's legacy be carried forward after his term of office

What is a slang term for the President's other title?

The slang term for president is Prez

What was john hanson title?

President John Hanson. Full title - President John Hanson in Congress Assembled of the United States of America. Although different titles were considered under both constitutions of the United States, the Executive Office of the President was not created until 1939. As the title changes, the position as President remains the Head of State and Head of Government of the United States of America in the Office of the President as it is spelled out in both constitutions. In the original constitution that patriots died for - Article IX gives the term of the Office of the President.

What is the term used for a person elected but not officially in office?

President "elect" or Senator "elect" I believe is the proper title for an elected individual who has yet to take th oath of office.

What is the title of the chief executive or head of the executive branch of the United States and what is the name of the person who is in that office currently in 2016?

The title of the chief executive or head of the executive branch of the United States is the US President. Barack Obama, a two-term president, is coming to the end of his second term in 2016.

Is there any legal way bush can remain in office past his term?

No. The President's term ends at noon January 20, 2009 and the term of whoever is elected in November begins at the same exact time. If the President-elect dies before taking office, the Vice-President-elect takes over. After that the line of succesion is stated in Title 3 United States Code Section 19. Title 3 Section 19 provides the line of succession after that.

If the President died in office dose the presidnt elect take office?

The vice president would take office because the constitution states that if the president dies or resigns during his term in office the vice president serves the rest of the term

Who shares the presidents term of office?

The Vice President of the United States shares the President's term of office. The President is elected along with the Vice President to serve 4 years.

What is the term of office in years for the president?

President's term is four years but can be re-elected for a second term.

How long is a term of office for a US vice-president?

The term is four years and coincides with the president's term.