Independents are moderates when it comes to gun control. Most are pro gun, but believe in harsh restrictions/stipulations against certain elements such as criminals; felons; legally insane; and those with active protective orders against them. For law abiding citizens, Independents believe citizens should undergo background checks and should complete firearm safety courses/classes. Independents sit in between Democrats & Republicans. Democrats are usually against gun ownership (not all) and Republicans usually are pro gun and believe anybody and everybody should be able to own a gun (not all) while the Independents, as stated before, are moderates.
There is no "gun control" amendment.
The difference is that a political party is part of how a politician is identified and interest groups are groups that focus specifically on certain issues. Depending on the issue interest groups tend to support a political party. For instance the NRA which is for less strict gun control laws associates themselves with the Republican Party. An interest group that is supportive of equal rights for all Americans would associate with the Democrat Party.
No, as you can get social liberals and economic liberals. For example, a liberal may be pro-choice and support gun control, but believe the government should reduce its role in the economy. Or vice versa.
The second amendment.
The Democratic Party.
1968 gun control act I believe.
People that believe you can control illegal acts by controlling things.
I believe yes
Generally speaking, the Democratic Party believes in significant restrictions on the right to bear arms ("strict" gun control), while the Republican party believes only in restrictions on criminal ownership of guns ("lax" gun control). Note that both of the above are generalizations of the national Party platforms - local party platforms and the beliefs of individual politician members of both parties can differ widely from the national party platforms.
Nominally, Republican party does not support gun control legislation, except measures which restrict criminal use of firearms. However, in reality it varies with the individual and the circumstances. Some notable Republican figures have supported gun control measures when it was politically convenient. For instance, President Reagan signed the 1986 FOPA into law, which had the effect of closing the machine gun registry.
I believe that is covered in the 1968 Gun Control Act.
Independents are moderates when it comes to gun control. Most are pro gun, but believe in harsh restrictions/stipulations against certain elements such as criminals; felons; legally insane; and those with active protective orders against them. For law abiding citizens, Independents believe citizens should undergo background checks and should complete firearm safety courses/classes. Independents sit in between Democrats & Republicans. Democrats are usually against gun ownership (not all) and Republicans usually are pro gun and believe anybody and everybody should be able to own a gun (not all) while the Independents, as stated before, are moderates.
The Democratic Party is not against the Second Amendment, it is merely for gun control. The idea of gun control is that you shouldn't be allowed to own an AK, because the only reason to own an AK is to kill other people. Republicans usually charge that because Democrats are pro-gun control, that they are anti-second amendment, but those are two different things.
This heavily depends on your definition of a good reason. Generally, the reasons for gun control are emotional, stemming from fear. Many people find such reasons to be insufficient and therefore believe there are no good reasons for gun control.
Most democrats support legislation that will encourage more responsible storage and use of firearms. Also they would like to prevent high risk people (such as people with criminal records), from having access to them.