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The constitution protects against arbitrary arrest and imprisonment that was suspended by Lincoln

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Q: Does the constitution or state protects citizens from arbitrary arrest and bail?
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The passed by Parliament in 1679 is considered one of the most basic guarantees of individual rights because it protects a citizen from arbitrary arrest?

The __________, passed by Parliament in 1679, is considered one of the most basic guarantees of individual rights because it protects a citizen from arbitrary arrest.

When did Citizens Arrest end?

Citizens Arrest ended in 1991.

Passed by Parliament in 1679 is considered one of the most basic guarantees of individual rights because it protects a citizen from arbitrary arrest?

The 'guarantee' is Habeas Corpus. (In recent decades it has been undermined by anit-terrorist legislation).

What is considered one of the most basic guarantees of individual rights because it protects a citizen from arbitrary arrest?

Nothing protects citizens from arbitrary arrest. Cops make mistakes and arrest the wrong people every day. Many arrests are arbitrary. Some may even be necessary. If a bank is held up and two cars are speeding away, cops might arrest the occupants of both cars. The occupants of one car might have held up the bank. The occupants of the other car might have gotten scared and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. The cops did not know what was going on but arrested both until they could sort out the situation. Sorting it out could take time to hear from witnesses and examine films. A Writ of Habeas Corpus makes it so that anyone who is arrested will be allowed to come before a judge and the evidence against him presented so that the cops can keep him in jail. Unlike in Japan, England, Germany, and a host of other nations, citizens in the United States have the right of A Writ of Habeas Corpus. In England, if a cop makes a mistake, a person can languish in jail for a month before a judge sees him and has to see the evidence to keep him there. In Japan it can be four years.

Citizen arrest of an illegal citizen?

Yes...Citizens Arrest is legal under the US Constitution..A US citizen has the right to arrest an illegal immigrant..Tens of thousands of citizens arrests of illegalaliens have already occurred and Thousands are arrested by citizens each year.A remote ranch in Texas as reported over 10,000 citizen arrests of illegal immigrants.However if the citizen making the arrest is mistaken and the person is a legal citizen of the US then there could be legal issues...

Whereas civil rights are the rights to equal protection of the law granted to American citizens civil liberties are?

Civil Liberties are the freedoms of speech, press, religion, and petition, along with freedom from arbitrary arrest or prosecution.

Who protects us from thieves?

The police and law enforcement protects us from thieves and can arrest them

What is civil arrest?

It sounds like you may be referring to a so-called "citizens arrest' wherein (in some states) citizens are empowered to arrest perpetrators observed committing felony crimes.

What is Freedom from arbitrary arrest?

9.No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.PLAIN LANGUAGE VERSION:Nobody has the right to put you in prison, to keep you there, or to send you away from your country unjustly, or without good reason.Illustrated versionNOTES:Arbitrary arrest and detention are sometimes used by intolerant groups and governments as a way of suppressing dissent. Arbitrary arrest and detention often may be followed by the wrongful treatment or torture of a detainee.DEFINITIONS:arbitrary here means that nobody should be arrested, detained or exiled where there is no likelihood that he or she committed an offence or where there has been no proper legal process.

Protection from arrest from slander in congress?

Article I section six of the Constitution protects member of Congress from arrest while they are in session except for treason or felony. The reason is so the executive can't just have them arrested because he doesn't like the way they are going to vote.

Why would a Parole officer put you in handcuffs for no reason?

There is no such thing as a "no-reason" arrest, these are arbitrary and against citizens' rights. He/she should have given you the reason, however the most likely situtation is that you or the person could have been violating parole, regardless, a reason should have been given.

What are the laws in Kentucky regarding a citizens arrest?

only in a felony