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Yes, it does. The Senators revise/edit it.

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Q: Does the house of representatives make laws?
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Do the house of representatives make laws?

yes i agree

Who does the House of representatives make laws for?

The House of Representatives makes laws for the United States as whole. However, any law passed by the house needs the approval of the Senate and Presidential approval.

Do both the house of representatives and the senate makes laws?

no the only people who make laws are congress

What are functions of the House of Representatives?

They are the legislative branch, they make laws for the united states.

What are the functions of house of representatives?

They are the legislative branch, they make laws for the united states.

What is the job of representatives in government?

the job of representatives is making laws in the house of representatives.

Laws are passed by a?

house of representatives

What branch of government has the power to make laws?

the legislative branch (senate and house of representatives)make the law

What are three things the House of Representatives do?

The House of representatives represents The United States

What are the Legislative branch parts and powers?

Parts: The Senate and The House of Representatives. Powers: They can make new laws or change existing laws.

What is the largest body of congress?

The House of Representatives is the largest of the two bodies -- House of Representative and Senate -- that make up the Congress. The House of Representatives is the largest of the two bodies -- House of Representative and Senate -- that make up the Congress.

Which branch of government can impose and collect taxes?

Only the House of Representatives can propose tax laws. The House of Representatives is part of the legislative branch. The House of Representatives combined with the Senate make up Congress. There is a total of 535 members in Congress.